Endorsements for 2020 General Election – NM Senate

New Mexico State Senate

The state Senate has been the graveyard for some of the best pro-environment and progressive legislation, in large measure because of a bloc of conservative Democratic Senate leaders and committee chairs.  These conservative Democrats would often act to block critical legislation like funding for early-childhood education, a living wage, and community solar. In the 2020 primary, the Chapter, along with other progressive groups, targeted five of these conservative Democrats. We defeated four of them, including the President Pro Tem of the Senate, the Finance Committee Chair, and the Corporations Committee Chair, all of whom had been major obstacles to our legislative goals.

Now we need to bring those victories home in November by electing the progressive women who took down the conservatives. They are Pam Cordova, Carrie Hamblen, Sia Correa Hemphill, and Neomi Martinez-Parra.  We also have great opportunities to pick up seats presently held by Republicans with Katy Duhigg, Claudia Risner, Martin Hickey, Harold Pope, and Paul Baca. And we have our environmental champions like Mimi Stewart and Jeff Steinborn to defend. If we put in the work and make sure all of our members and supporters vote, we can look forward to a whole new ballgame in the Senate!

Please vote and support these candidates. If you are confused about voting options, see our guide to New Mexico Voting. County Clerks will begin mailing absentee ballots on October 6. Early voting begins October 6 at county clerks offices.  Expanded early voting begins October 17. Election day is November 3. You can check your voter registration and status of ballot requests at nmvote.org.

Don’t know your district? Check the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Portal, or you can visit the Club’s Election Center, which will show your district number and a candidate if the Chapter has endorsed a candidate in your district.

Do you want to help? Volunteer to help elect these environmental champions!

The Rio Grande Chapter is proud to endorse the following outstanding environmental candidates for the State Senate

Senate District 5: Leo Jaramillo (read more)
Senate District 8: Pete Campos (read more)
Senate District 9: Brenda McKenna (read more)
Senate District 10: Katy Duhigg (read more)
Senate District 11: Linda Lopez
Senate District 12: Gerry Ortiz y Pino
Senate District 13: Bill O’Neill 
Senate District 14: Michael Padilla
Senate District 15: Daniel Ivey Soto
Senate District 16:  Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
Senate District 17: Mimi Stewart (read more)
Senate District 19: Claudia Risner
Senate District 20: Martin Hickey
Senate District 21: Athena Christodoulou
Senate District 23: Harold Pope
Senate District 24: Nancy Rodriguez
Senate District 25: Peter Wirth 
Senate District 26: Jacob Candelaria
Senate District 28: Siah Correa Hemphill (read more)
Senate District 29: Paul Baca
Senate District 30: Pam Cordova (read more)
Senate District 33: Denise Lang-Browne
Senate District 35: Neomi Martinez-Parra (read more)
Senate District 36: Jeff Steinborn
Senate District 38: Carrie Hamblen (read more)
Senate District 39: Liz Stefanics

Authorized and paid for by The Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club Political Action Committee and Rio Grande Sierra Club Healthy Communities.

2020 General Election links
Federal endorsements | NM Senate endorsements | NM House endorsements | PRC endorsements & constitutional amendment | Local endorsements | Voting information | Volunteer to help

Richard Barish, Rio Grande Chapter Political Chair

Endorsements for 2020 General Election – NM Senate