It’s time to make our voices heard!

By Richard Barish, Rio Grande Chapter Political Chair

If you are visiting this page to find a list of Rio Grande Chapter endorsements, you already understand the importance of elections. Even as we continue to deal with the devastating effects of COVID and the urgent need to address systemic racism, we need to ensure that the right leaders are elected. They are leaders who value people over corporations; who place science over ideology and political advantage; and who can empathize with their constituents instead of being blinded by privilege. They are leaders who also understand what is at stake in the climate crisis.

We made great strides in the NM House in the 2018 election, resulting in the landmark Energy Transition Act during the 2019 session. In the June primary, several of our endorsed candidates defeated big-oil-money incumbents. Now we need to bring home the gains from our primary Senate victories and defend and consolidate our gains in the House.

We have a terrific slate of endorsed candidates – federal, state, and local. Check them out from the links below. Also be sure to read our assessment of the proposal to amend the State Constitution to make the Public Regulation Commission an appointed body, which the Sierra Club supports.

You can also use the terrific new Election Center tool to look up all of the Sierra Club-endorsed candidates who you can vote for in one place!

Finally, don’t forget: make a plan for how you will vote. Don’t wait until the last minute so you can avoid the rush and ensure your vote is counted! See our voting guide for dates and details.

Authorized and paid for by The Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club Political Action Committee, Rio Grande Sierra Club Healthy Communities, and Sierra Club Political Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or campaign committee.

Endorsements for federal races: The opportunity for an all women of color House delegation!
Senate and House of Representatives 

Endorsements for state offices
NM House of RepresentativesDefending our champions and expanding our majority
NM SenateRemoving the barriers to strong environmental legislation
Public Regulation Commission and PRC Constitutional AmendmentIt’s time for a change

Endorsements for local races
County Commissions and Clerks

It’s time to make our voices heard!