Reduce, reuse, refuse, recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ­­ – we want to pay more attention to the first two when reducing our use and waste, both of which are key to addressing pollution and the energy use that is driving climate disruption.

How we're tackling the challenge

After the recent victories against pollution with the Albuquerque Clean & Green Ordinance and Bernalillo County we are stronger now more than ever in our collective workfor a clean environment. The future is looking bright for our youth.


Can I recycle aluminum foil? What do I do with broken fluorescent bulbs? Where can I take broken electronics? Use our smart guide to recycling.

Zero Waste Tours

Ever wonder what happens to your trash and recycling after it’s picked up? What happens to our waste water after it goes down the drain or your poop after it’s flushed? Do you know what can be e-cycled and where?

Come join us on the Zero Waste Tours to find out. These are just some of the facilities we will be touring:

  • BARCO Recycling Facility
  • Cerro Colorado Landfill
  • Albuquerque Computer and Electronics Recycling Co.
  • ABCWUA Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Rio Grande Soil Amendment Facility
  • Soilutions Composting
  • Magpie Motors – Used EV Dealership

You can sign up on our calendar or contact Laurie Zunner at

Santa Fe: Think globally, act locally

Please visit to learn about how Eldorado at Santa Fe recycles, and contact Co-chairs Joe Eigner at or Karen Sweeney at with questions or for more information, or to join our Zero Waste team.

Recent Zero Waste news

Ordinance Prohibiting Single-use Plastics Passes!

Ordinance Prohibiting Single-use Plastics Passes!
On March 26th, Santa Fe County passed and ordinance prohibiting the use of single-use plastic and expanded polystyrene products in Santa Fe County ... Read More

Skip the Stuff

Skip the Stuff
You can do something about those unnecessary utensils and condiments in your take out orders. Join Skip the Stuff NM ... Read More

Albuquerque companies reduce by reusing

Albuquerque companies reduce by reusing
The author visited two Albuquerque manufacturing firms: Submaterial, which makes efforts to reuse or recycle their waste byproducts from their interior architectural products, and Soilutions, which takes organic materials that might otherwise end up in a landfill producing methane and ... Read More

Will you outlive your garbage?

Will you outlive your garbage?
By Carol P. Chamberland, Central New Mexico Zero Waste Recently a friend sent me a disturbing chart on the decomposition rates of various types of garbage. I looked further into the matter and found it’s worse than I thought. Way worse. America ... Read More