Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo Mexico
Invitamos a usted, sus niños y amigos a caminar y disfrutar este programa gratis.
You, your children, and your friends are invited to walk with us and enjoy this free program.
Reservar + info:
FaceBook: Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo Mexico
Email: cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org
Saturday, January 27: bosque plantar árboles
10 am
Ayudamos a plantar árboles con el ‘Bosque Cultural Restoration Project: Tree Planting Day’
More information
Contact leader: Lauren Rust: lrust@unm.edu (301-503-1365)
Saturday, February 10: caminata bosque
Suave / Easy
10 am; 2 – 3 hrs
Reunimos en el estacionamiento del Centro Cultural Nacional Hispano.
Meet in the NW corner of the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s parking lot.
Saturday, February 17: petroglifos
Cañon Piedras Marcadas Petroglifos / Petroglyphs
10 am; 3 – 4 hrs
Reunimos en el estacionamiento / Meet at the parking lot: Jill Patricia
Street NW, 87114 – Golf Course Rd.
Terreno desnivelado, traiga bastón. Uneven terrain, bring your walking stick.
Saturday, February 24: caminata bosque
Suave / Easy
10 am; 2 – 3 hrs
Reunimos en el estacionamiento del Centro Cultural Nacional Hispano.
Meet in the NW corner of the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s parking lot.
Saturday March 10: Sendero Copper, a los pies de las montañas Sandia
Copper Trail, Foothills
Intermedio / moderate
9 am; 2 hrs
Estacionamos al este de Tramway, en Copper Ave
Park on Copper Ave, East of Tramway
Saturday March 24: Petroglifos, lado sur
Petroglyphs, south area
Intermedio / moderate
9 am; 3-4 hours
Llame / texto para detalles e informes: 505 319 7556
Call / text for details and info: 505 319 7556
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