Wilderness First Aid Course Special for Sierra Club Members
The Rio Grande Chapter, in conjunction with Kirtland Air Force Base Outdoor Recreation has been offered the opportunity to convene a wilderness first aid course especially geared toward our members. This course includes both classroom and experiential learning techniques that make it fun and effective and no prior experience is required. This course is in high demand and typically fills-up months in advance.
Price: The price for the course is $120 per person for Sierra Club members. This special price is approximately 50% off of the regular price for a wilderness first aid course.
When: September 12-13, 2020 (participants must commit to attend both days)
Class times: Saturday, September 12, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, September 13, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Kirtland Air Force Base, Outdoor Recreation Office, Albuquerque, NM. Transportation onto the base will be provided for those without base access from Wherry Elementary School and additional information will be provided to paying attendees prior to the training dates. Note that attendees must be US Citizens to gain access to the base.
Who should attend? If you’re ever more than an hour away from a hospital or one mile from any road and there’s an emergency you’ll need to know what to do. This 2-day first aid course provides training for anyone that spends time hiking, skiing, engaged in other outdoor pursuits, or just wants to know what to do when things go south, at home or in the backcountry.
The WFA is the perfect course for the outdoor enthusiast or trip leader who wants a basic level of first aid training for short trips with family, friends, and outdoor groups. It includes classroom instruction and actual treatment scenarios. While there’s not a graded final exam students must demonstrate that they understand key elements and techniques presented in the curriculum. Material Covered in the Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course:
- Introduction
- Anatomy of a Wilderness Crisis
- Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System
- Asthma
- Backcountry Essentials
- Cold-Related Injuries
- Environmental Emergencies & Survival Skills
- Heat-Related Injuries
- Medical Emergencies & Critical Care
- Patient Assessment System
- Patient Lifting & Moving
- Principles of Fracture Care
- Response & Assessment
- Soft Tissue Injuries & Medical Emergencies
- Spinal Cord Injury Management
- Sprains & Strains
- Techniques
- Trauma-Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Trauma-Soft Tissue Injuries
- Universal Precautions
- Use of Epinephrine
Registration: If you want to attend, please respond to Terry Owen at teowen@comcast.net no later than August 1st. To be included in the course, you will be given until August 14th to submit payment for the entire course fee. Payment directions will be sent in a subsequent email for those who’ve RSVP’d. This is necessary to hold your seat and reserve the instructor and classroom. Maximum class size will be 8 students and those seats are expected to go fast.
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