What do you love?

Do you love our Southwest mountains and deserts?
Do you love our big, clear blue sky?
Do you cherish our rivers and streams?
Or, maybe it’s our diverse wildlife that claims your heart.

This is a season for celebrating all that we cherish. So, let’s cherish it a little more with a gift to the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club’s work to protect all those things. When you give $25 or more to the Chapter, you’ll support that work and you’ll get a bag of TSK: Granola from Three Sisters Kitchen. Their community food space, in Albuquerque, uses the power and love of local food to create economic opportunity, improve community health, and bring diverse communities together around the table.

Click here to make your gift and select a flavor of TSK: Granola to enjoy!

For more information about Three Sisters Kitchen, go to https://threesisterskitchen.org/.

What do you love?