You are invited to join the launch of CAVU’s multi-media project, UNEARTHED: The Real Story of Oil and Gas in New Mexico.
WHAT: Short film screening and panel discussion moderated by NPR’s Tara Gatewood.
WHEN: Thursday, November 16th, 2017, 6:30 PM public reception, 7:00 program begins.
WHERE: Lensic Theater, 211 West San Francisco Street, Santa Fe
TICKETS: Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Lensic.org. 505-988-7050
More about UNEARTHED. The year-long initiative in designed to educate and engage the public in a productive, depoliticized conversation about climate change and energy production in New Mexico and work towards state-based solutions that protect our environment, health and cultural resources while working to bolster our economy. Join the conversation – everyone who calls New Mexico home should have a say in our future!
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