From leader Larry Hughes,
May 20, 2019

Near perfect weather greeted a prime group of eleven hikers, as they started off from the Dome trailhead about 9:00 am, on their way to the Painted Cave in Capulin Canyon. After steadily hiking downward for about 3.5 miles, we reached the canyon floor near the remains of an old Park Service log cabin. Another 3 or so miles of hiking downstream led us to the Painted Cave nestled in the canyon wall. After a leisurely lunch at the cave we headed back up stream. By 3:00 pm, we were back at the burned cabin and realized it was time to pay the piper – the 2000 ft. climb out of the canyon was looming. Using the time tested technique of putting one foot in front of the other, we made it back to the trailhead by 5:00 pm.
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