Photo of Margot Wilson

We wish Margot Wilson a relaxing and rewarding retirement! From forest-restoration projects to travel management plans to injudicious mining proposals to State Game Commission meetings, Margot Wilson has advocated for the outdoors, our wildlife, our water and our natural landscapes from low elevations to high for decades. And even when doing all that, she also led outings to so many special places across New Mexico.

I first met Margot in the mid ’90s when she started a Sierra Club section in Truth Or Consequences — as unlikely a place to find fellow Sierrans as I thought could exist. But find each other we did as Margot organized and brought speakers to tell about the environmental plights of the places we love. How she convinced so many up-and-coming environmental leaders to give presentations in little T or C boggles the mind. But that is how I came to know the now directors of groups like WildEarth Guardians, Animal Protection New Mexico, The Southwest Environmental Center and more. Even while going through chemo, knee surgeries and more, Margot’s energy and commitment never flagged.

Thank you Margot for your mentorship, friendship and inspiration. I can hardly believe you’ve pulled off retirement without having to move or die — but thank goodness you did neither! May you find many great birds with those binoculars, take great photographs of your travels and enjoy learning about painting with pastels. The Rio Grande Chapter honors and thanks you for your years of service!

Mary Katherine Ray, Chapter Wildlife Chair

Thank you, Margot Wilson!

One thought on “Thank you, Margot Wilson!

  • August 19, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    Margot’s persistence in following regulatory processes over the decades has been incredibly important. Her analysis and input has mad a difference.

    I hope we are able to follow in her footsteps, keeping up her work in TorC and all of Southern NM.


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