Tell BLM to just say “No” to reopened Copper Flat Mine

New Mexico Copper Corp. wants to re-establish a polymetallic mine and processing facility near Hillsboro, N.M.

The Copper Flat Mine is not the answer to Sierra County’s economic woes. Just like Grant County’s copper mines, it will be subject to the boom-and-bust economic cycle caused by volatile global copper prices and will potentially create a huge environmental liability for the public to clean up. Read more about the problems with the DEIS and proposed Copper Flat mine plan here.

Please click here to comment to the BLM about Copper Flat Mine.

The 2,190-acre project would use BLM-managed public land and private property to mine and process copper and molybdenum. The Bureau of Land Management has requested public review and comment on its Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

The proposed action and alternatives do not comply with the New Mexico Mining Act, since a pit lake would be created at mine closure that most likely will require “perpetual care” to achieve water-quality standards, potentially over hundreds of years.

Please take action today — click here to send a comment to the BLM

Tell BLM to just say “No” to reopened Copper Flat Mine