BLM pauses methane safeguards

BLM pauses methane safeguards
 On Dec. 8, the Trump Administration's Bureau of Land Management finalized a one-year delay of a rule that would plug oil and methane leaks from oil and gas operations. The agency said the rule "may be rescinded or significantly revised in the near future."  ...
/ Climate Change, Latest News

BLM Finalizes Methane Rule Delay

BLM Finalizes Methane Rule Delay
Today, Secretary Zinke finalized his delay of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Methane and Waste Prevention rule until January 2019. The rule was designed to limit the waste of $330 million-dollars worth of methane from oil and gas operations on public and tribal lands each year through leaks, flaring and intentional releases ...

Methane – Curbing Oil and Gas Waste and Pollution

Photo of PNM's San Juan Coal Fired Generator Plant for the Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter website
By Denise Fort, Research Professor, UNM School of Law
Chapter Energy Committee chair
New Mexicans are well aware that we have the dubious honor of contributing to an enormous methane hot spot that hovers over the Four Corners Area. Methane is a pernicious greenhouse gas and a pollutant that affects health at ground level. And lost methane means lost revenues, because royalties and taxes would otherwise be owed on it. The Obama Administration is moving forward with methane regulation. The ...
/ Climate Change

Climate-saving methane rules need you, again

Map of western US that shows methane emissions
The methane rule is under attack yet again. Submit your comments before November 6 ...
/ Climate Change, Latest News

Split Estate showing in Rio Rancho and Placitas

poster for the film split estate
Sandoval County residents: join us in a viewing of the documentary, Split Estate, to become informed about the potential impacts of oil and gas drilling in our county ...
/ Central New Mexico Group, Events

Groups Challenge Trump Administration’s Delay of BLM Methane Rule

image of press release
The Sierra Club and partners filed a lawsuit challenging BLM’s recent decision to suspend key parts of the BLM Methane rule ...
/ Press Release

New Mexicans, Four Corners Residents Testify in DC to Protect EPA Methane Rules

New Mexicans, Four Corners Residents Testify in DC to Protect EPA Methane Rules
For immediate release: July 11th, 2017
Contact: Camilla Feibelman, camilla.feibelman@sierraclub. org, 505.715.8388 Washington, DC – Yesterday an array of New Mexicans and Four Corners area residents testified in Washington DC against a delay of the EPA’s methane pollution standards. The agency should have implemented the Leak Detection and Repair aspect of the rule at the beginning of June, but attempted to stay these rules for 90-days, and action which a DC court denied. The Washington hearings are part of an ...
/ Climate Change, Press Release

Clean Air Task Force * Earthworks

Photo of natural gas fire by Tod Baker for an article by the Rio Grande Sierra Club about oil and gas risks in New Mexico
For Immediate Release CONTACTS: Alan Septoff, Earthworks, 202-271-2355,
Stuart Ross, Clean Air Task Force, 914-649-5037, Hundreds of thousands threatened by Pruitt’s proposal to block EPA oil & gas methane safeguards As impacted citizens testify that ‘stay’ will harm their health, new analysis shows over 200,000 live within ½ mile threat radius of 18,000 affected facilities Washington, D.C., July 10th –On the same day the Environmental Protection Agency takes public comment on Administrator Scott Pruitt’s proposal to stay for 2 years ...
/ Climate Change, Press Release

Court defends oil and gas waste rule, a win for New Mexico’s kids and economy

image of press release
A federal appeals court in Washington D.C. blocked the Trump Administration’s suspension of EPA standards that keep the oil and gas industry’s pollution out of the air our children breathe ...
/ Climate Change, Press Release

NM Groups Glad Methane-Waste Rule is Safe, for Now

NM Groups Glad Methane-Waste Rule is Safe, for Now
Albuquerque, NM - Last week, with three Republicans siding with Democrats, the U.S. Senate narrowly halted a bid to overturn the Bureau of Land Management's natural-gas waste rule. But that doesn't mean the rule's fate has been decided. Comments from Mona Blaber (BLAY-ber), communications coordinator, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter ...