Sign-up is by contact with leader (phone or email, if shown). You’ll need to sign a waiver that leader will provide. Dogs only allowed as noted.
Trips are normally free (pay when carpooling) and open to non-members, although we do like it if you join the Club to increase our local and national clout.
Please RSVP the leader unless otherwise stated. Updates on some outings may be available on the Santa Fe Outings Meetup page.
Monday, July 16: Strenuous five-day backpack around the Maroon Bells near Aspen, Colo. Starting from the northern Maroon-Snowmass trailhead, we hike along Maroon-Snowmass trail to Snowmass Lake. Then we switch to the Geneva Lake trail, go over Trail Rider Pass and continue toward Geneva Lake. A mile or so before Geneva Lake, we will take the North Fork Cutoff Trail and then the North Fork Trail into Fravert Basin, over Frigid Air Pass to the Junction with the West Maroon Creek trail. Next it’s up and over West Maroon Pass toward Crater Lake. At the far end of Crater Lake, we’ll get back on the Maroon-Snowmass trail toward Buckskin Pass. About a mile before Buckskin, we take Willow Lake trail to Willow Lake. Finally we take East Snowmass trail over East Snowmass Pass back to Maroon-Snowmass trailhead. This a strenuous high-altitude trip; we go over five passes above 12,400 feet, about 38 miles with 10,500 feet of elevation gain and 10,500 feet of loss.
Day 1: 8.25 miles, 2,500-foot gain, camping at Snowmass Lake.
Day 2: 8.75 miles, 3100 feet gain, 2,100-foot loss, camping in Fravert Basin.
Day 3: 7miles, 1,200-foot gain, 3,500-foot loss, camping near Crater Lake.
Day 4: 5 miles, 2,600-foot gain, 800-foot loss, camping at Willow Lake.
Day 5: 9 miles, 900-foot gain, 4,300-foot loss.
Leader: Larry Hughes, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com or RSVP through Meetup page
Location: Colorado
Saturday, July 21: Easy local hike in Northern New Mexico, details to be determined due to forest closures. Look for updates on our Meetup site.
Leader: Alan Shapiro nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: To be determined, out of Santa Fe
Sunday, July 22: Hop Canyon trails, Magdalena Mountains. We will hike to the ridge of the Magdalena Mountains on either of two trails leading up from Hop Canyon. The round-trip distance is about 4 miles and elevation gain is 1,800 to 2,000 feet. If participants are game, we’ll continue along the ridge and down the other trail, for a total of 7.5 miles and 2450 feet of elevation gain; otherwise just retrace our steps. Good trail, nice views in all directions, often sign or sight of wildlife. Trailhead is accessible by car. Difficulty: intermediate.
Leader: Jim Nelson at jcnelson@gilanet.com or 575-854-2259
Location: Central NM (Socorro)
Saturday, July 28: Easy local hike in Northern New Mexico, details to be determined due to forest closures. Look for updates on our Meetup site.
Leader: Alan Shapiro nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: To be determined, out of Santa Fe
Saturday, July 28: Moderate hike at 8 a.m. on the 10K Trail. Sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program and everyone is welcome. Start north on the10K trail. About 5 miles round-trip and 750 foot elevation gain (9,400 to 10,100 feet). The trail goes to the summit of Sandia Crest where there are views of the city, and the continental divide. Return on the same trail. To RSVP and for additional information, contact Terry Owen.
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349, teowen@q.com
Location: Albuquerque area
Sunday, July 29: Moderate to strenuous hike to the TWA crash site; about 10 miles. 9:45 a.m.
Contact: Call or email Odile de La Beaujardiere for details by Saturday, July 28: 505-433 4692; odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque area
Saturday, August 11, Easy local hike in Northern New Mexico, details to be determined due to forest closures. Look for updates on our Meetup site.
Leader: Alan Shapiro nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: To be determined, out of Santa Fe
Saturday, August 11: Excursiones hike out of Cedar Crest. Ojito de San Antonio está en el lado Este de las Montañas Sandía, se llega por la Hwy North 14. Queda a 15 minutos manejando desde el Sprouts Farmers Market en 13150 Central Ave SE, ABQ NM 87123 (Tramway y Central), donde nos reuniremos a para ir en caravana saliendo a las 8am. Es una caminata con algo de subida, hay vegetación: árboles y arbustos. Hay un antiguo huerto de frutales, una pradera, cactus …. Se llama Ojito porque había dos ojos de agua y acequias que ahora están secas. Traigan sombrero del sol, refrigerio, agua, zapatos y ropa apropiada. Niñ@s mayores de 8 años son bienvenidos. ¡Gratis siempre! Porfa me marcan si tienen preguntas 🙂
Ojito de San Antonio, on the East side of the Sandia Mountains. Please bring water, snack, hat, sunscreen, appropriate shoes and clothing. 8-11 am, meet at Sprouts 13150 Central Ave SE (w/Tramway) at 8am. Children 8 years or older are welcome!
Leader: Cecilia Chavez Beltrán, cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org or text 505 319 7556
Location: Albuquerque area
Sunday, August 12: Toolbox Spring trail, San Mateo Mountains. This trail connects East and West Red Canyons, disconnected canyons that descend in opposite directions out of the San Mateos. We start at the east end of FR 478, which is reached from NM 52. Don’t try to drive this FR in a passenger car; you need clearance to get across several incised streambeds, and four-wheel-drive or all-wheel-drive is advised on a couple of steep sections. It’s best to camp at the trailhead the night before the hike, as it’s a two-hour-plus drive from almost anywhere populated. The trail goes up and over a ridge at 7,800 feet and then descends to the east and eventually debouches in East Red. Round trip is 9 miles, 1,700-foot elevation gain. Difficulty: intermediate.
Leader: Jim Nelson at jcnelson@gilanet.com or 575-854-2259
Location: Central NM (Socorro)
Saturday, August 18, Easy local hike in Northern New Mexico; details to be determined due to forest closures. Look for updates on our Meetup site.
Leader: Alan Shapiro nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: To be determined, out of Santa Fe
Saturday, September 1: Strenuous hike in the Sandias. Up Pinot trail, reach South-Peak, hike down Embudito Trail.
Leader: call or email Odile de La Beaujardiere for details by Saturday July 28: 505-433-4692; odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque area
Saturday, September 1: Excursiones on Armijo Trail. Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento del Sprouts Farmers Market, 13150 Central Av SE (con Tramway Blvd), para de allí partir en caravana a las 8am. Vengan con sus niños ? Tendremos una líder de Excursiones para andar con l@s pequeños en una caminata corta – Nivel Fácil. Excursionistas que quieran seguir caminando irán con la segunda líder – Nivel Intermedio, 4+ millas.
Leader: Cecilia Chavez Beltran, cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org
Location: Albuquerque area
Saturday September 8: Mountain yoga outing. Easy 2.5-mile hike that incorporates a one-hour outdoor yoga and mindfulness break midway. Hike includes 200 feet of elevation gain and amazing views of the mountains. Limited to 15 participants. Certified service dogs only. Sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program and everyone is welcome. Contact by Sept. 6 to RSVP and obtain additional information.
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349, teowen@q.com
Location: Albuquerque area
Saturday, September 8: Easy local hike in Northern New Mexico; details to be determined due to forest closures. Look for updates on our Meetup site.
Leader: Alan Shapiro nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: To be determined, out of Santa Fe
Saturday Sept 15: Birds and Breakfast at Valle de Oro. 7-10am. El Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre tendrá otro evento “Birds and Breakfast”, donde comenzamos con un saludable desayuno (proporcionado por el programa de Artes Culinarias de la escuela Atrisco Heritage) y luego observamos las aves en el Refugio y cerca al Río. Es siempre gratis! Traigan sus sombreros del sol y botella de agua. ¡Toda la familia es bienvenida!
Birds and Breakfast at Valle del Oro. The morning will begin in the classroom portable with breakfast catered by Atrsico Hertitage High School Academy culinary arts program followed by bird watching on the refuge and in the bosque. Free and family friendly, no experience necessary, binoculars and field guides provided.
Host/RSVP here
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday, September 15: Easy Hike along Deer Creek/Grasshopper Canyon. About a 3 mile (round-trip) out-and-back hike along Deer Creek. This hike starts along I-25 just north of the Canoncito exit. Shady and pretty along the creek the whole way. Let me show you this sweet hike if you haven’t found it on your own. The drive out is about 15 miles putting the carpool cost at $3.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, RSVP on Meetup
Location: Santa Fe area
Sunday, September 16: Monica Canyon, San Mateo Mountains. The Monica Canyon trail ascends into the San Mateos at some distance from FR 549, which carries wheeled traffic up to the saddle. It also forks off onto an old, closed road that can be seen occasionally from FR 549. We’ll take one of these routes up to the Mount Withington forest road. 1,700-foot elevation gain, 6–8 miles round trip. Trailhead is accessible by car. Difficulty: intermediate.
Leader: Jim Nelson at jcnelson@gilanet.com or 575-854-2259
Location: Central NM (Socorro)
Saturday, September 22: Walk in the Bosque on the fall equinox. Meet at the tree sculpture garden south of the Montano Bridge and walk south to check on the Oxbow and then down to the Rio Grande. It is an easy walk on even ground. 8 a.m. (two-hour walk). Leader: Margaret, mardel18@aol.com
Location: Albuquerque
Sunday, September 23: Annual Monuments to Main Street Hike, Picacho Peak. We will hike the new Western Ridge trail to the top of Picacho Peak. At the top of Picacho Peak you will enjoy 360 degree views of the entire National Monument as well of views into Texas and Mexico. We will return via the original trail route. 3-4 miles round trip. 700 feet of elevation gain. Call Howie Dash for meeting time and place. Hike limited to 15 people.
Leader: Howie Dash, 575-652-7550 or howiedash@aol.com
Location: Las Cruces area
Saturday, September 29: Trail Building. The Bosque Action Team is putting together a contingent to help build the first trail at the new Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, at the south end of Second St., from 10am to 2 pm. This will provide access to the new Upland Playa which has just been developed on the east side of the refuge. We’ll start work at 10 am and end at 1 pm, laying down crusher fines. All tools and equipment will be provided by Valle de Oro. From 1 to 2 pm will be discussions on what we’d like to see for VdO’s educational programs, access, and the new Visitor Center, still in the planning. All Sierra Club volunteers will receive our famous Save Our Bosque.org t-shirts.
Leader: Mark Rudd, 505-270-5449 or mark@markrudd.com.
Location: south of Albuquerque
Saturday, September 29: Moderate hike out to Hamilton Mesa in the Pecos. This hike showcases the beautiful meadows and views along Hamilton Mesa, some of the best in the Pecos Wilderness. We will hike approximately 6 mi. RT gaining about 1,000 ft. Sign up and all details on our Meetup site.
Leader: Alan Shapiro nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Santa Fe area
Featured photo by Olivia Li. This is the lunchtime view on the second day of a strenuous three-day backpack kid by Larry Hughes in the Weminuche Wilderness in southwest Colorado.
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