Please RSVP the leader unless otherwise stated. Updates on some outings may be available on the Santa Fe Outings Meetup page.
July outings
Saturday July 1 to Tuesday July 4: NEW PLAN: Strenuous 4-day backpack along the Continental Divide Trail in Southern Colorado. Starting at Cumbres Pass, we will hike about 27 miles along the CDT to Blue Lake, then take the trail towards Glacier Lake. From there we will take Canon Rincon and South Fork trails to our exit trailhead. This is a strenuous outing for experienced backpackers. About 40 miles with all three camps above 11,000 ft. We will need to setup a car shuttle.
Leader: Larry Hughes, 505-983-8296, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com
Location: North of Santa Fe
Thursday, July 6: SFNF Service Project in Rio Capulin— Initial Exploration & Survey, 7am, ALL DAY. A group of hike leaders from RGSC, SFHMG, and Wilderness Seekers have been talking to SFNF Rangers about a trail maintenance service project this Fall. The target zone is the Rio Capulin, North of the Rio Nambe and at the foot of Redondo Peak, which is a remote area not often seen by our local hikers. The access is from Rio en Medio (1700′ total RT gain to Rancho Viejo), but we seek to go beyond this point towards Capulin headwaters on the shoulder of Redondo Peak. Considering the trail clearing needed, and that we are proposing to fix in the Fall, we will see how far we get beyond Rancho Viejo in a day hike. One thing that is guaranteed is that you will see seldom visited canyon country, albeit damaged by the fires in this area. Our screening criteria is less about distance, and more about if you are willing to give back to SFNF this year, in return for all the great hikes we do in our local forest. Also, this hike is jointly posted with SFHMG, where 4 leaders are already signed up, so come on out SC hikers…You can waitlist on Meetup for this hike, but you must talk to the leader in order to join and be approved. Your interest in future trail work to repay SFNF for hosting all our hikes will be the primary screening criterion, but this is a long moderate hike with ~2000′ of total gain, but up to 15 miles RT depending on our pace. Leader: Mark Dunham 505-795-0199, medunham2@msn.com
Location: Santa Fe
Saturday July 8: strenuous hike in the San Pedro Parks Wilderness Area, 10-14 miles, 1,400 foot elevation gain. Missing for some reason from the Day Hikes Book, is the glorious San Pedro Parks Wilderness of the Jemez Mountains. SFNF Ranger Sarah Naegle is promoting this area, and may come with us as we explore this high, wet, green tableland at 10,000 feet. It is a 2 hour drive from Santa Fe, but then so is Jacarita or Wheeler, and each has it’s own rewards. Our plan will be explore on good trails, so both the Palomas and and San Gregorio trailheads off FR70 off NM126 (States roughest designated highway!) , lookto be our best bet. This allows us to climb up some nice canyons before coming out on top and wandering the parks on a 10 mile loop, with a mile in and out. So, this will be rated Light Strenuous; for total distance of 12 – 14 miles, and elevation gain of ~1200′. Summer hiking at its best!
Leader: Mark Dunham 505-795-0199, medunham2@msn.com
Location: Santa Fe
Sunday July 9: explore the middle Rio en Medio area from Aspen Ranch. A beautiful short hike (about four miles), but some steep climbing on old not-maintained trails. Early start at 7a.m. from SC parking lot. One to two dogs OK.
Leader: Marcia Skillman, 505-699-3008, marciaskillman@hotmail.com
Location: Santa Fe
Sunday July 9, 5:30 to 8:30 pm: Explore the Durand Open Space Bosque. The Bosque Action Plan, the City plan governing the Bosque, designated the southernmost part of the Rio Grande Valley State Park as a “wildlife preserve”. The County created the Durand Open Space on the west side in the far South Valley, giving access to the area designated as a wildlife preserve. The residents of the far South Valley now have local access to lovely Bosque trails, but at the expense of chipping away at the wildlife preserve area. Is this a good or a bad thing? I don’t have an easy answer to that question, but since it is there, we will explore it. Meet at the Durand Open Space: take Rio Bravo to Isleta, then 1.6 miles south on Isleta. There will likely be mosquitoes, so long pants and long sleeves and/or repellant are highly recommended. Bring binoculars if you have them so we can check out any birds we encounter.
Leader: Richard Barish, richard.barish@gmail.com, 505-232-3023
Location: Albuquerque
Thursday, July 13: Recurring hike: Ascent to the Alpine Meadows Above the Ski Basin. This is intended as a weekly burst of 90 minutes ascending 2,000 vertical feet, with a variety of scenic rewards at the top. Some weeks we will just go to Deception Peak, sometimes to Lake Peak, and when time permits we may descend Ravens Ridge or to Puerto Nambe and return via the Winsor Trail. This is by far the quickest route above timberline in our area, passing by rushing water for almost the entire hike. Take a trip to the Northern Rockies in our back yard, and/or get in shape for longer climbs! 0830 AM Departure from De Vargas Mall, meet behind Albertsons (West side), off Sabino St. Most times we will be back in time for a late lunch, which may happen too. Email Mark Dunham at medunham2@msn.com to confirm, or call (505) 795-0199 near event time.
Location: Santa Fe
Sunday July 16: Armijo and Faulty trails, Moderate hike ~ 4.5 miles loop, little elevation change. Meet at 10:00 a.m. close to I-40 and Central, in the Smith parking lot (west-most side). End with optional potluck at Odile and Jim’s house. Contact Odile de La Beaujardiere by July 14; please specify: (1) cell-phone number if you have one; (2) if coming to the potluck; and (3) where will meet the group.
Leader: Odile de La Beaujardiere, home: 505-433-4692, mobile: 505-933-1930, Odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque
Thursday, July 20: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Saturday July 22: Strenuous Rio Quemado to Truchas Peak, 14 miles, 3,500 feet elevation gain. STRENUOUS-ADVANCED: If you’ve been hiking with us, you know this is one of the top hikes in the Southwest, more reminiscent of Montana than New Mexico. We will summit Middle and South Truchas Peaks if possible, since that involves little elevation loss between. However it will be at least 14 miles RT and 3500′ of elevation, much gained in 1000′ feet up the side of the peak above the beautiful glacial valley above the Falls. This is not good country for pole-dependent folks, as boulder fields and 35 degree slopes must be negotiated. [You MUST qualify for this hike, either recent with us, or email me at medunham2@msn.com with your mountaineering experience.
Leader: Mark Dunham 505-795-0199, medunham2@msn.com
Location: Santa Fe
Thursday, July 27: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Saturday, July 29: Tree Spring Trail in the Sandia’s, 09:00 a.m. Sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program and all are welcome. We will hike to the crest. (Great views!). Easy/Moderate hike: four miles round trip with a 1,000 feet elevation gain. Dogs on leash OK. To register, contact Terry Owen by July 26
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349, teowen@q.com
Location: Albuquerque
Sunday, July 30, 5:30 pm: Medicinal and Edible Plants of the Bosque. Take a walk with Herbalist and Geographer, Dara Saville of Albuquerque Herbalism to discover the edible and medicinal plants of our Bosque. We will explore the multitude of useful plants that are commonly used in natural healthcare practices and sample a few herbal remedies from the Bosque. Along the way, we will also discuss how these wild plant populations are changing and what that means for the health of our riparian ecosystems. Meet: 5:15p.m. at the Westside Community Center (1250 Isleta Blvd SW, south of Bridge) for a short carpool to the trail head.
Leader: Dara, albuquerqueherbalism@gmail.com
Location: Albuquerque
August outings
Thursday, August 3: No hike this week.
Saturday, August 5: Sandia Cave Trail. See one of the most important archaeological sites in the US. One mile round trip. Meet 10:00 a.m. at the parking lot north-most side of the Target of intersection I-25 and Paseo del Norte. End with optional potluck at Odile and Jim’s house. Contact Odile by August 4; please specify: (1) cell-phone number if you have one; (2) if coming to the potluck; and (3) where you can meet the group.
Leader: Odile de La Beaujardiere, home: 505-433-4692, mobile: 505-933-1630, Odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque
Cancelled: Sunday, August 6: explore the Big Tesuque area, with a steep climb up the south trail to Aspen Vista, then down the main Big T trail.
ADDED: Sunday, August 6: All Day Trip: Chama Headwaters Exploration Rating: Advanced Moderate with 8 – 12 miles of no more than 2500′ elevation gain. May involve some off-trail in open country to close a loop with the CDT, or to reach Banded Peak. Incomparable NM scene, on the boundary of our 2 hour day hike radius. Waterfalls, rivers, peaks, ponds, alpine meadows. See GMaps photos and those included here. Sign-Up Note: This hike is open to 5 before Waitlist begins, but I will convert all known hikers to Yes, and move all unknown hikers to Waitlist until you email or call me to discuss your hiking level. New hikers are welcome as long as you contact me at medunham2@msn.com or 505-795-0199. This is a longer car-pool of 250 miles RT, so last minute cancellations can’t be allowed, and there will be a $20 rider fee, assuming 4 in a car. Can also sign up via Santa Fe Outings Meetup page.
Thursday, August 10: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Thursday, August 17: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Thursday, August 17–Saturday, August 19: A Colorado backpacking classic, the 4-pass loop around the Maroon Bells near Aspen, CO. This 27-mile, very strenuous and advanced backpack trip circumnavigates the Maroon Bells, going over 4 passes each above 12,400 ft. A total of 7,500 ft. elevation gain and 7,500 ft. of loss, with 4,000 ft. of gain and 2,100 ft. of loss on the first day.
Leader: Larry Hughes, 505-983-8296, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com
Thursday, August 24: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Saturday, August 26: Bosque Walk. By the end of August, we may be seeing subtle changes in the flora and fauna of our Bosque…and changes in our Rio Grande. Join us on a Bosque walk starting at the parking lot on Montaño — west side of the Rio where the tree sculptures are located. We will be able to see the changes resulting from previous Corps of Engineers work in the area as well as viewing the Oxbow. 1-2 hours, starting at 9am. Bring water and hats – and please keep Fido home.
Leader: Margaret De Long, 505-321-5931
Location: Albuquerque
Thursday, August 31: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
September outings
ADDED: Saturday, September 2:Mushroom Mania with Mycologist James Werbel. James Werbel is the current president of the NM Mycological Society. As one of our SC hikers, he will join this day as we travel to one of the best mushroom locations around, which will be determined as the month progresses. Since many of the best areas are a 2 hour drive from Santa Fe, the entire day is reserved. Candidates include Santa Barbara Canyon, Hermit and Jicarita Peak areas on the East side of the Sangres, San Pedro Parks, or the Chama River Basin. Rating: Moderate with 6 -10 miles of no more than 1500′ elevation gain. Will involve some light off-trail to seek out the objects of our affection. Sign-Up Note: This hike is open to 5 before Waitlist begins, but I will convert all known hikers to Yes, and move all unknown hikers to Waitlist until you email or call me to discuss your hiking level. New hikers are welcome as long as you contact me at medunham2@msn.com or 505-795-0199. We expect a longer carpool of at least 200 miles RT, so last minute cancellations can’t be allowed, and there will be a $15-20 rider fee.
Thursday, September 7: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Saturday September 9: strenuous hike to Old Mike Peak in the Taos area. Starting on the Williams Lake trail, we will hike up Wheeler Peak and then continue south and east for about another 1.5 miles along the ridge line to Old Mike Peak. Early start. About 13 miles and 3,700 foot elevation gain with max elevation over 13,000 feet. Two or three dogs OK.
Leader: Larry Hughes, 505-983-8296, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com
Location: Taos
Sunday September 10: explore the Big Tesuque area, with a steep climb up the south trail to Aspen Vista, then down the main Big T trail. Moderate hike, about 6-7 miles, some steep climbing on non-maintained trails. One to two dogs OK. Early start, 7a.m. from SC parking lot.
Leader: Marcia Skillman, 505-699-3008, marciaskillman@hotmail.com
Location: Santa Fe
Sunday September 10: “9/11 Memorial Hike” at Wheeler Peak. Sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program and all are welcome. Climb the tallest peak in New Mexico to honor those who have given their all since 9/11. Meet at the “Hikers” parking area on September 10, 2017 at 06:30 a.m. Challenging hike starts near the upper ski area at 10,000 feet and proceeds up the Williams Lake route to the summit at 13,161 feet. Nine miles round-trip. Rated as difficult. Participants should be in good physical condition. Enjoy a beautiful alpine lake, towering ponderosa pines and unforgettable views of the surrounding mountains. Camping the evening before (September 9th) across the parking area from the heart of Taos Ski Valley (Alpine Village). To register, contact Terry Owen by September 6.
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349, teowen@q.com
Location: Albuquerque
Thursday, September 14: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Saturday, September 16: Piedra Lisa hike. Meet at 09:00 a.m. at the trail-head parking lot. We will climb starting from the South side, (close to the La Luz trail-head) then down to the Placitas side. Difficult hike: about six miles and 2,100 feet elevation change. One way hike: car(s) will be located on the Placitas side. End with optional potluck at Odile and Jim’s house. Contact Odile by Sept 14; please specify: (1) cell-phone number if you have one; (2) if coming to the potluck; and (3) where you can meet the group.
Leader: Odile de La Beaujardiere, home: 505-433-4692, mobile: 505-933-1630, Odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque
Thursday, September 21: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Saturday Sept 23 – Sunday Sept 24: Castle Peak Backpack. From the Sierra MeetUp site: One thing noted there is that these peaks have very treacherous ascents, lacking switchbacks, due to all the young peak baggers upon them. So we’ll avoid the overrun Aspen side of the Elk Range, and ascend its highest peak from the Crested Butte side via Cumberland Basin. Castle Peak is the highest, but probably the least risky, of this famous group that includes the Maroon Bells. See below, it’s a great-looking mountain in this early summer Southern view, showing how we will ascend the left flank where the the small peak rises on the ridge. By the time we get there, it will be somewhat dry and crisp in late September. We will drive up Saturday AM, hike in 4 miles (ascending 800′) to just beyond the foreground of this photo, set a light overnight camp, and then on Sunday climb the 2500′ to the peak, and return to our cars. Another La Plata lesson is that it’s a long drive home after the hike, so some may stay in Crested Butte that night, while others will drive back to Santa Fe, if they do well driving after 10 PM. Rating: Strenuous/Advanced– Elevation Gain of 3300′ and estimated mileage of 12 RT. Also, scrambling on rock and scree, and extended exertion about 13000′, as with any 14er. Note that unless you can walk without poles, you are NOT well suited for these rocky, scrambly climbs. Carpool from the normal backside spot at DeVargas Mall. Leader: Mark Dunham 505-795-0199, medunham2@msn.com
Location: Santa Fe to Colorado
Sunday September 24: easy/moderate hike to Pajarito Ski hill above Los Alamos, four miles, 1,200 foot elevation-gain.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, 505-424-9242, nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Los Alamos
Sunday, September 24: Tour The Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument. Let’s celebrate Monuments to Main Street Month with a hike on the Pine Tree Loop, Aguirre Springs. Spectacular views of the Organs Mountains and the Tularosa Basin to the east. This is a moderate hike with elevation gain of 1000 feet. Four and a half mile loop. Day use fee required for Aguirre Springs.
Leader: Howie Dash, 575-652-7550, howiedash@aol.com
Location: Las Cruces
Thursday, September 28: Recurring a.m. hike. See July 13 description.
Sunday October 1: easy/moderate hike on Borrego Trail to viewpoint of Santa Fe Baldy, five miles, 1,000 foot elevation-gain, Alan Shapiro, 505-424-9242, nm5s@yahoo.com.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, 505-424-9242, nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Santa Fe
Saturday, October 7: Return to the Chama Headwaters–Amazing! After our August 6 soggy survey hike, you benefit from our knowledge in a dryer Fall hike. Waterfalls, rivers, peaks, ponds, alpine meadows abound: see our posted photos from that trip, and those below from others on GMaps. As said there, this place is as close to Jackson’s Rivendell as anything we’ve ever seen photographed, and we barely scratched the surface. Rating: Advanced Moderate with 8 – 12 miles of no more than 2500′ elevation gain. Will involve some off-trail in mostly open country to get on the Divide Trail above. Sign-Up Note: This hike is open to 5 before Waitlist begins, but I will convert all known hikers to Yes, and move all unknown hikers to Waitlist until you email or call me to discuss your hiking level. New hikers are welcome as long as you contact me at medunham2@msn.com or 505-795-0199. This is a longer car-pool of 250 miles RT, so last minute cancellations can’t be allowed, and there will be a $20 rider fee, assuming 4 in a car.
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