Sign-up is by contact with leader (phone or email, if shown). To go you’ll need to sign a waiver that leader will provide. Dogs only allowed as noted.
Trips are normally free (pay when carpooling) and open to non-members, although we do like it if you join the Club to increase our local and national clout.
Please RSVP the leader unless otherwise stated. Updates on some outings may be available on the Santa Fe Outings Meetup page.
Saturday, April 7: Moderate hike at Copper Trail. Two hours. Meet at trail head (15000 Copper Ave. NE, 87123) at 9 a.m. Children welcome.
Leader: Cecilia Chávez Beltrán, cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org
More details: Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo Mexico
Location: Albuquerque
Sunday, April 8: Moderate off-trail hike to Tetilla Peak, short route of less than 4 miles with about 800 feet of elevation.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, nm5s@yahoo.com, 505-424-9242
Location: Santa Fe area
Saturday, April 14: Bosquitos outing to Rio Grande Nature center. Meet 10 am on the sidewalk just west of the Paseo del Bosque trail’s entrance to the Rio Grande Nature Center and the Albuquerque Riverside Drain. This is a Bosquitos outing geared for ages 8 and up (although everybody is invited) to learn about the Rio Grande and river engineering with a civil/environmental engineer, Aubrey Harris, who works with the river analysis group for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, an agency responsible for managing water. Topics will include water issues of the Rio Grande, human-made features along the river that interact with the Rio’s sediment and water conveyance; and also how engineering and natural systems distribute sediment and water to create habitat for endangered species.
Leader: Sarita Streng 505-288-8713
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday, April 21, moderate shuttle hike up the Burn trail, across and up the Saddleback trail, then down the Chamisa trail; 4 5 miles with about 1,000 feet elevation gain.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, nm5s@yahoo.com, 505-424-9242
Location: Santa Fe
Saturday, April 21: Moderate hike to Eye of the Sandias. Meet at trailhead (15000 Copper Ave NE, 87123) at 9 a.m.
Leader: Cecilia Chávez Beltrán, cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org
More details: Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo Mexico
Location: Albuquerque
Sunday, April 22: Celebrate Earth Day with the Ancients, sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program and everyone is welcome. Join us at 9 a.m. for a hike of the Mesa Prieta Trail to explore the south escarpment of Petroglyph National Monument and see a number of ancient petroglyphs. Hike is approximately 4 miles RT with 300 feet of elevation gain.
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349, teowen@q.com RSVP by April 20th to obtain details and the meet-up location
Location: Albuquerque
Sunday, April 22, (Earth Day): Moderate loop hike. About 3 miles, North on Ellis, Back on Crest Trails. Meet at 10:30 a.m. on the east side of the Smith’s parking lot, close to Central and I-40. Three dogs on leash OK. End with optional potluck at Odile and Jim’s house. RSVP by April 21 and specify: (1) cell-phone number; (2) if coming to the potluck; and (3) where you can meet the group.
Leader: Odile, 505-433-4692, or Odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday, April 28: Moderate Tent Rocks hike. No dogs allowed. Meet at 10 a.m. on the north side of the Target parking lot at the corner of I-25 and Paseo del Norte. End with optional potluck at Odile and Jim’s house. Contact Odile by April 27 and specify: (1) cell-phone number; (2) if coming to the potluck; and (3) where you can meet the group.
Leader: 505-433-4692, or Odile@pitot.org
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday, April 28 to Sunday April 29: Strenuous overnight backpack trip in Bandelier National Monument; about 22 miles starting and ending at the Visitor Center, with 4,100 feet of elevation change. We will camp in Capulin Canyon, near the Painted Cave.
Leader:Larry, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, 505-983-8296
Location: Los Alamos
Saturday, May 5: Moderate hike along the Continental Divide Trail, about 10 miles round trip with 1,800 feet of elevation gain. Hiking up from the Skull Bridge over the Rio Chama to the top of Mesa de los Viejos.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, nm5s@yahoo.com, 505-424-9242
Location: north-central NM
Saturday, May 12: Two-hour easy-paced walk with Margaret and Julie, easy paced. Meet at 8 a.m. at the parking lot adjacent to the tree sculpture garden, immediately south of the Montaño Bridge on the west side of the river. We’ll head south toward the Oxbow and then east toward the river.
Leader Margaret, mardel18@aol.com
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday, May 12: Easy walk by the bosque of the Rio Grande. Meet at Valle del Bosque Park (480 Sunset Road SW, 87105) at 8 a.m. Children welcome.
Leader: Cecilia Chávez Beltrán, cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org
More details: Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo Mexico
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday May 12: Outings Leader Training. 9am-1pm at the Albuquerque office.
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349 or teowen@q.com
RSVP and more details
Saturday, May 19: Strenuous four-peaks hike from the Aspen Vista parking lot. We will start hiking up the Aspen Vista Road to the Tesuque Creek trail up to Tesuque Peak, continue on to Deception Lake and Penitente. Return via Puerto Nambé and the Winsor trail. About 14 miles and 3,300-foot elevation change. Two or three dogs OK.
Leader: Larry, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, 505 983 8296
Location: north of Santa Fe
Sunday, May 20: Osso Corredor to Sulfur Canyon Trails, easy hike (about 2 miles, mostly downhill but slippery and steep at times). We will leave a car at the Sulfur trailhead. Meet at 10:30 a.m. on the east side of the Smiths parking lot, close to Central and I-40. Three dogs on leash OK. Contact Odile by May 19, home: 505-433-4692, or Odile@pitot.org. Please specify: (1) cell-phone number; (2) if coming to the potluck; and (3) where you can meet the group.
Saturday, May 26: Easy walk at the bosque of the Rio Grande, south of Bridge Boulevard. Meet at the NW area of the NHCC parking lot (1701 4th St SW, 87102) at 8:00 a.m.
Leader: Cecilia Chávez Beltrán, cecilia.chavez.beltran@sierraclub.org
More details: Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo Mexico
Location: Albuquerque
Saturday, May 26: Moderate Alamo Vista/Tesuque Creek Loop. Moderate loop hike, including Alamo Vista up to the ski lift, a route linking to, then along, Tesuque Creek, and a portion of Aspen Vista Road. Rated as moderate because of the steepness and footing. Will plan a steady but not fast pace. The hike includes aspen groves, views, water, and Carl’s Meadow. Elevation gain is estimated at 1,600 feet and the distance is 3.5 miles. Almost all the elevation gain occurs in 0.8 miles as does the elevation loss. If you use hiking poles, this is a hike to bring them on. The footing is often loose dirt and stones so this is not a good hike for folks who don’t like steep trails with these conditions. No dogs on this one, please. Planned as a morning hike, it will provide good exercise and still leave you time for the Memorial Day Weekend picnics.
Leader Lisa Bowdey, 505.699.2953
Location: Santa Fe area
Saturday, June 2: strenuous hike to Thompson Peak. We will follow the Apache Canyon route to Glorieta Baldy and then continue north for about 2 miles to Thompson Peak. About 17 miles with 3,900 feet of elevation gain. Two or three dogs OK.
Leader: Larry, lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, 505 983 8296
Location: north east of Santa Fe
Saturday, June 23: La Luz Trail. Join the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program for a hike of the La Luz Trail located in the Sandia Mountains. Rated Difficult/Strenuous. Although we’ll be setting a moderate pace with several stops, this hike is for those with good endurance and is considered a high-altitude hike. Children in good physical condition over 14 if accompanied by a responsible adult are permitted. We will meet at the lower tram parking lot, leave some cars at the Tram and carpool to the Trailhead at the Juan Tabo Picnic area. Proceed up trail 137 for ~8 miles and 3,800 vertical feet and take the Tram down. Total estimated time is 6 hours. Bring $3 cash for parking fees, and money or credit card for Tram ticket. No dogs.
Leader: Terry Owen, 505-301-4349, teowen@q.com. RSVP no later than June 19 and obtain camping location, hike details and the recommended gear list.
Location: Albuquerque area
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