Spring 2017 Outings

Please RSVP the leader unless otherwise stated. Updates on some outings may be available on the Santa Fe Outings Meetup page.

April outings

Saturday, April 1: Easy hike from spectacular Diablo Canyon to the Rio Grande River and back, 6 miles and 400 foot of elevation gain, walking in sand. One to two dogs OK.
Leader: Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008marciaskillman@hotmail.com.
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 1: Bosque trail hike to look at the recent fire area on March 14 and discuss vegetation rehabilitation. Meet at 8 a.m. at the parking lot on the north side of Alameda, just west of the bridge. Easy walk; bring kids. Leashed dogs OK.
Leader: Brian Hanson: bhanson5@comcast.net, (505) 856-1386
Location: Albuquerque area

Sunday, April 2: Easy hike up Sun Mountain from the Old Pecos Trail. About 2 miles, 700 feet of elevation gain.
Leader: Alan Shapiro: (505) 424-9242nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 8: Strenuous hike to Yapashi and Stone Lions in Bandelier. Starting at the Visitors Center, we will go to Yapashi and Stone Lions then continue to the Upper Frijoles Crossing, ending at the Ponderosa Campground.  This route requires a car shuttle. About 14 miles and 3,000 feet of elevation gain.
Leader: Larry: lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, (505) 983-8296
Location: Los Alamos area

Saturday, April 8: Walk and slideshow to learn about bats, 5:30 p.m. with Justin of the Fight White Nose Bat Syndrome/Help Bats Hang On group. This is a Bosquitos event geared toward elementary kids, but all are welcome. The Bosquitos mission is to learn about Albuquerque’s Bosque, the animals and plants that live there, and ways to take care of the Bosque.
Leader:  Sarita Streng, call or text (505) 288-8713 for directions
Location: Albuquerque area

Saturday, April 8: Easy hike, about 2.5 miles, “Poetry and Owls in the Bosque,” 5 to 6:30 p.m. Meet owls at their nest. Leader will read nature poems along the way about owls, porcupines, spring, and the wind, but others are welcome to read some of their favorite poems relating to nature. Note that we might have to reschedule if there are strong winds this day.
Leader: M.J. Zimmermann: mjzim@hotmail.com
Location: Albuquerque area

Sunday, April 9: Moderate to strenuous hike to Shaggy Peak near Glorieta. About 10 miles, 2,000-foot gain. Limit eight; one to two dogs OK. Meet in Eldorado.
Leader: Dag Ryen: dryen@heliconwest.com, (505) 466-4063
Location: Santa Fe area

Tuesday, April 11, 8:30 AM  Last Aerobic of the Season– Daylong Grand Finale to Glorieta Baldy from Apache Canyon.  Moderate Strenuous– 10.4 miles and 2700′ total vertical.   RSVP closed so that I can see who wants to go.  If you waitlist I will convert you if known to me, or send email to confirm your ability to hike at a moderate pace on this outing.  https://www.meetup.com/Santa-Fe-Sierra-Club-Outings/events/238166534/  If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP “No” or “Yes”.)  Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm.  You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup. Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 15: Moderate hike up the lower Rio en Medio near Tesuque past many waterfalls and cascades, about 7 miles and 1,800 feet of elevation gain, a few steep/loose spots and water crossings, two to three dogs OK.
Leader: Tobin Oruch: (505) 690-6253 or tobin.oruch@yahoo.com
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 15: Easy walk in the Bosque, 1.5 to 2 hours. Meet at 10:30 am at the Pueblo Montaño Open Space parking lot (a block east of Coors on the south side of Montaño, entrance to the Bosque School). Leader will read selected passages from Aldo Leopold’s “Sand County Almanac.”
Leader: Peter Kelling: cloudsandwater@juno.com
Location: Albuquerque area

Sunday, April 16: Hyde Park Circle and waterfall. Easy loop hike: 4 miles 1,200 foot.
Leader: Alan Shapiro: (505) 424-9242nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Santa Fe area

Tuesday, April 18 — then every Thursday starting May 4 unless otherwise posted on Sierra Santa Fe Meetup. Weekly Series. Trekking Alpine Meadows above the Ski Basin. This is intended as a weekly burst of 90 to 110 minutes ascending 2,000 feet, with a variety of scenic rewards at the top. Some weeks we will just go to Deception Peak, sometimes to Lake Peak, and when time permits we may descend Ravens Ridge or to Puerto Nambe and return via the Winsor trail. This is by far the quickest route to alpine tundra in our area, passing by rushing water for almost the entire hike. It looks like the Northern Rockies, but in our back yard. In April we will leave at 9:30 a.m. from De Vargas Mall, but by May we will leave at 8:30. Meet behind Albertsons off Sabino Street on the West side. Most times we will be back in time for a late lunch.  The April and May motif is kick-stepping on semi-soft snow.  It should not get more than an inch deep on top, and we only walk on compacted ski runs and roads, but you will get wet by the end if you don’t have good waterproof boots, and stiff soles are best, but you can try spikes on softer boots.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 22 (Earth Day): Hermit Peak near Las Vegas (see Day Hikes 2016, Page 163). Moderate hike, 8 miles and 2,760 foot. A chance to see the east side of the Sangres. Meet at Christ Lutheran Church at 7:30 a.m.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 22: Celebrate Earth Day in the Sandias, sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program; everyone is welcome. Moderate hike of the Tree Spring Trail in the Sandia Mountains. We will proceed to the crest, where we can admire views of the city and enjoy the serenity of the Cibola Wilderness Area. Four miles round trip, 1,000-foot elevation gain. Dogs on leash OK.
Leader: Terry Owen at: teowen@q.com, (505) 301-4349 by April 20
Location: Albuquerque area

Saturday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m.: Attend the Children’s Seed Festival at the Botanic Gardens. Learn about how seeds work, make seed balls, and more. Festival sponsored by the Rotary Club of Albuquerque. This is a Bosquitos event geared toward elementary kids, but all are welcome. The Bosquitos mission is to learn about Albuquerque’s Bosque, the animals and plants that live there, and ways to take care of the Bosque. Meet at the entrance to the Biopark. There is an entrance fee to the BioPark.
Leader: Call Sarita Streng 505-288-8713 for more information
Location: Albuquerque area

Sunday, April 23: Easy to moderate hike above Tent Rocks, about 4 miles round trip, little elevation gain. Meet 10:30 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Overlook, which is on the dirt road past the parking lots for Tent Rocks. Two dogs on leash OK. End with optional potluck at Odile’s house.
Leader: Contact Odile odile@pitot.org, 505-433 4692 by April 21 to register and obtain information for where to meet.
Location: between Albuquerque and Santa Fe

Thursday, April 27: Thursday trek. See April 13 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, April 29: Strenuous loop hike to Frijoles Canyon, about 13 miles and 1,500 feet of elevation gain. Scenic loop along the Frijoles Canyon Rim and then down to the Upper Crossing, followed by a return to the visitor center on the newly renovated Frijoles Canyon trail.
Leader: Aku: (505) 577-2594
Location: Los Alamos area

May outings

Thursday, May 4: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, May 6: Easy to moderate hike on the upper Rio En Medio near Santa Fe Ski Basin, up to 5 miles and 1,300 feet of elevation gain. One to two dogs OK.
Leader: Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008marciaskillman@hotmail.com.
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, May 6, 8:30 a.m.: Easy walk to the South Diversion Channel outfall, a little-visited section of the Bosque in the South Valley that has been restored by the Army Corps of Engineers. Admire successful wetlands, native plants, birds, and other wildlife. If the river is in flood, see how the overflow system to the restored area works. Meet at the end of Valley High SW, on the east side of the river. Bring kids.
Leader: Mark Rudd: mark@markrudd.com, 505-270-5449
Location: Albuquerque area

Sunday, May 7: Easy out and back Cañada Bonita overlook from the Pajarito Ski area above Los Alamos, 3.5 miles, 650 feet.
Leader: Alan Shapiro: (505) 424-9242nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Los Alamos area

Thursday, May 11: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, May 13: Strenuous hike to Brazos Cabin. About 13 miles, 2,500 feet of elevation gain. Hike up the Rio Medio Canyon through varied forest to a high meadow with the faint remnants of an historic cabin situated between the Dome and the Pecos Baldies.
Leader: Aku: (505) 577-2594
Location: north of Santa Fe

Saturday, May 13: Fourth of July trail in the Manzanos. Moderate 6.4-mile loop. Meet at 10:30 a.m. at the trailhead parking lot. Two dogs OK. End with optional potluck at Odile’s house.
Leader: Contact Odile (odile@pitot.org, 505-433 4692) by May 11 to register and obtain information about where to meet
Location: Albuquerque area

Thursday, May 17: No Thursday trek this week.

Saturday, May 20: TWA crash site. Sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program; everyone is welcome. Difficult hike: 7.5 miles round trip and 2,500 foot of elevation gain. Rugged hike starts from the Elena Gallegos Picnic area, goes under the tram’s route and ends amid the rock spires two-thirds of the way up the Sandia Mountain. Dogs not recommended.
Leader: Contact Terry Owen no later than May 18 to register and obtain directions (505-301-4349teowen@q.com)
Location: Albuquerque area

Saturday, May 20: Strenuous hike to the Painted Cave in Bandelier. Starting from the Dome trailhead we will hike down to Capulin Canyon and then follow the canyon to the Painted Cave. About 13.5 miles and 2,500 feet of elevation gain.
Leader: Larry: lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, (505) 983-8296
Location: Los Alamos area

Sunday, May 21: Easy out-and-back to Alamo Vista from Aspen Vista. 2.5 miles and 1,200 feet.
Leader: Alan Shapiro: (505) 424-9242nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Los Alamos area

Thursday, May 24: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, May 27: Strenuous hike to Glorieta Baldy from Apache Canyon, (see Day Hikes 2016, Page 15) We take high-clearance vehicles to near the bottom of Apache Canyon, cutting this great hike down a bit to 10 miles and 2,500 foot of loss/gain to the lookout. Meet at Christ Lutheran Church, Santa Fe, at 8 am
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com, (505) 795-0199
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, May 27-Sunday May 28:  Now:  Strenuous overnight backpack to Stewart Lake via the Winsor Ridge trail in the Pecos, starting from Cowles Trailhead. About 12 miles round trip and 2000 ft. of elevation gain.  Larry, Lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, (505) 983-8296

June outings

Thursday, June 1: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com(505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, June 3: Hike to Jicarita Peak from FR161 past Tres Ritos (see Day Hikes 2016, Page 170). Strenuous: 11 miles and 2,500-foot gain. The Santa Barbara Divide is a very large area of tundra behind the Truchas Peaks. We will roam it and probably ascend Jicarita Peak (12,835), unless we decide to go south toward Chimayosos instead. See Sierra Santa Fe Meetup for more details. Meet at DeVargas Mall at 7 a.m.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com(505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Thursday, June 8: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com(505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, June 10: Moderate/strenuous hike to Pedernal. About 8 miles and 1,900-foot elevation gain. There is a 15-foot, fourth-class scramble to the top.
Leader: Larry: lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, (505) 983-8296
Location: Jemez mountains

Saturday, June 10 (had been 6/17): Strenuous hike to Trampas Peak (elevation: 12,170) from the Trampas Lakes Trailhead. Extraordinary view of the northern end of the Pecos Wilderness, about 9 miles and 3,600 feet of elevation gain.
Leader: Aku: (505) 577-2594
Location: north of Santa Fe

Saturday, June 10: Pino and Crest trails. Difficult hike: elevation gain 4,500 feet, total length 15 miles. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Elena Gallegos Parking lot (the one that is the highest and farthest to the east). Hike up Pino Trail, follow the Crest trail to the top of the Tram, and return by taking the Tram. No dogs. Note: We hope to provide much-reduced tram tickets to those who register by May 20. End with optional potluck at Odile’s house.
Leader: Contact Odile (odile@pitot.org505-433 4692) by June 8
Location: Albuquerque area

Sunday, June 11: Moderate hike to lovely La Vega from Santa Fe Ski Basin, 8 miles 1,500-foot gain.
Leader: Alan Shapiro: (505) 424-9242nm5s@yahoo.com
Location: Santa Fe area

Thursday, June 15: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.  Possibly a long one to Trampas Peak this week.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com(505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, June 17-Monday June 19: Strenuous 3-Day loop backpack trip to the Pecos Wilderness.  Starting at Iron Gate, we will hike along Hamilton Mesa, up to the Santa Barbara Divide, back down to Pecos Falls, then to Beatty’s Flats before crossing back over to Hamilton Mesa and returning to Iron Gate. About 30 miles 3 days.
Leader: Larry: lorenz.hughes@gmail.com, (505) 983-8296
Location: Santa Fe/Pecos Valley area

Saturday, June 17: Strenuous hike to Trampas Peak:  Now June 10.

Sunday, June 18: Strenuous hike to Deception and Lake Peaks above Santa Fe Ski Basin, 7 miles and 3,200-foot gain. Limit 8. Meet at the Santa Fe Sierra Club office.
Leader: Dag Ryen: dryen@heliconwest.com, (505) 466-4063
Location: Santa Fe area

Thursday, June 22: Thursday trek. See April 18 for details.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com(505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, June 24: Take Your Anatomy up Grays Peak. Sponsored by the Sierra Club Military Outdoors Program; everyone is welcome. Always wanted to tackle a Colorado “Fourteener” and never had the chance? Tallest mountain on the Continental Divide. Although rated as moderate, participants must be in excellent physical condition and tolerate altitude. 3,000-foot elevation gain and 8 miles roundtrip. Leaders will be camping at the trailhead the day/night before.
Leader: Contact Terry Owen no later than June 20 to register and obtain directions: 505-301-4349teowen@q.com
Location: Colorado

Saturday, June 24-Sunday June 25: Strenuous backpack up a “fourteener.” Ascend the Elk Range’s highest peak from the Crested Butte side via Cumberland Basin. Castle Peak is the highest, but probably the least risky, of this famous group that includes the Maroon Bells. Our target date is exactly the point in the season when there are still snow fields to kick-step up, instead of unstable scree fields. We will drive up Saturday a.m., hike in 4 miles, set a light overnight camp, and then on Sunday climb the 2,500 feet to the peak, and return to our cars. Some may wish to stay in Crested Butte that night, while others will drive back to Santa Fe.
Leader: Mark Dunham: medunham2@msn.com(505) 795-0199 near event time to confirm
Location: Colorado

Spring 2017 Outings