¡Soy un Cuidoro de la Tierra!

¡Somos cuidadores de la tierra!
I Am a Caretaker of the Earth!

Pajarito Environmental Education Center and Pajarito Group of the Sierra Club invite you to an upcoming program on Tuesday, December 8th: “I Am Cheo!” This short film will inspire children (and their parents) to stand up and take action to protect our living family—we are every human and all the Earth.

Produced by the Hispanic Access Foundation, told through the eyes of a young boy, “I Am Cheo,” this short film explores the intersection of Latinex culture and communities with the outdoors and climate issues, and emphasizes the need for engagement and action to preserve our future. Let us help the children lead us!

Following the film, a panel of local organizations, individuals, and community groups taking action to address climate change, will discuss the current issues of culture and climate change.

Our panelists are:

  • Garrett Altmann, Santa Clara Pueblo Forestry Department
  • Dino Chavarria, Santa Clara Pueblo Environment Department
  • Jordan Garcia, Power Network Manager at Los Alamos County Department of Public Utilities
  • Monica Irlando-Wildman & Pablo Irlando-Wildman, Sancre Productions
  • Arte Romero y Carver, Steering Committee of Youth United 4 Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA)
  • Sandra West, co-host of Resilient New Mexico podcast

You don’t need to be a member to join the program. Simply register as a guest for his free program here.

Todos estamos a través de nuestra humanidad y la devastación de cambio climático.
We are all connected through our humanity and the devastation suffered through climate change.

¡Soy un Cuidoro de la Tierra!