Sierra Club weighs in on proposed science standards

There was a lot of interest after we issued a press release criticizing the Public Education Department’s draft science standards. Here are some examples of news articles:

Santa Fe Reporter – The Same, But Different

KOB Channel 4 – Science teaching guidelines trigger criticism in New Mexico

Associated Press – Science Teaching Guidelines Trigger Criticism in New Mexico 

Image from Idaho National Lab via Flickr 

Sierra Club weighs in on proposed science standards

One thought on “Sierra Club weighs in on proposed science standards

  • October 15, 2017 at 7:25 pm

    My academic background includes two master’s degrees, one in philosophy and one in theology, and a doctorate in medicine. I have the ability to look at this issue from a number of legitimate perspectives. My objection to the current draft of revised science standards is twofold. First, authorship of the edits or amendments is not identified.
    But secondly, and more importantly, the draft does a great disservice to sound science by introducing what appears to be a religion-based bias. There is no reason to water down what is clearly a planet-threatening reality — climate change. And to deny the growing threat from civilization’s (ie, human) detrimental impact on the climate and environment is deplorable. Furthermore, emphasizing local industries and energy production without considering associated risks thereof is simply inexcusable and reprehensible. On a daily basis, responsible authorities in the pertinent sectors of the scientific world remind us of the dangers inherent in reliance on fossil fuels. And why is not equal consideration of green energy alternatives presented alongside of traditional energy sources?
    Finally, I feel the need to share a powerful quotation from centuries ago: The bible teaches us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.
    Thank you.

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