Sierra Club and Root Beer: Immigration

Please join us for an animated discussion on immigration at this month’s Sierra Club and Root Beer. Meet people engaged in confronting the results of today’s immigration policies –- Albuquerque hands on!

We invite you to take a walk through a mosaic of issues relating to current immigration policies.

Sanctuary in our city, direct service to our immigrant community, Dreamers, DACA, ICE’s uninvited presence in our court system, asylum-seekers presenting themselves at the border and being put in detention …
Who is welcoming our neighbors? Who is providing them with needed legal information to understand how to navigate the immigration system?

Local volunteers, including grassroots leaders, attorneys, and activists will give us a glimpse of their work at our local level to counteract the inhumane and unpredictable immigration system.

When: 6-8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2. Presentation starts at 6:15 p.m. sharp
Where: Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice, 202 Harvard Drive SE, 87106

Join us to hear about this work and find out how you can get involved.

Contact Cecilia for more information at 505-319-7556.

Sierra Club and Root Beer: Immigration