Virtual Sierra Club & Beer: Make your vote count!

Thursday, September 24, 2020
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM MT
Bring your own beer

We’ve been seeing some articles in the national news of late that could leave you feeling a little concerned about the upcoming election in November. Few things are more important today than ensuring our VOTE COUNTS. Wondering if there will be enough polling sites, what will be the rules and whether the U S Postal System will be able to handle the increase in mail in ballots? What is the state of the system here in the Land of Enchantment?

Join the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club for a meeting with the New Mexico Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse Oliver. She has served the people of New Mexico as the 26th Secretary of State, since her election in 2016. She is also the elected President of the National Association of Secretaries of State. We’ll begin with an overview of the landscape and take it from national to local. After her talk, Sec Toulouse Oliver will take questions from the attendees.

Also, we’ll catch you up on what the Sierra Club is working on, ideas for you to get involved safely during the pandemic and a chance for us all to collectively check in!

Please register in advance for this meeting


Virtual Sierra Club & Beer: Make your vote count!