Sierra Club attorneys and others objecting to the Holtec proposed nuclear-waste facility in southeast New Mexico will present oral arguments to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on Jan. 23.
Please attend to raise your voice in opposition to this ill-considered radioactive-waste dump. The public may only be allowed to observe at the hearing, but our lawyer has asked for supporters to be there for his arguments to show opposition to the proposed “temporary” storage site between Carlsbad and Hobbs and the transportation by rail of thousands of tons of high-level nuclear waste from all the nation’s nuclear reactors to New Mexico.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s three-judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will hear oral arguments to determine which groups have standing and which objections will be accepted regarding Holtec’s proposal for the nuclear dump.
Atomic Safety Board hearing
When: 9 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23 (may continue Jan. 24, but Sierra Club attorney Wally Taylor will make his arguments early Wednesday and has requested that as many people as possible attend.)
Where: State Bar of New Mexico Boardroom, 5121 Masthead St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
There will also be a press conference on Tuesday by community groups who have raised objections to the site.
Where: State Bar of New Mexico Boardroom, 5121 Masthead St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Alliance for Environmental Strategies (Nancy Simmons, Albuquerque, NM);
Beyond Nuclear (Diane Curran, Washington, D.C.; Mindy Goldstein, Turner Environmental Law Clinic, Emory University, Atlanta, GA);
Sierra Club (Wally Taylor, Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign, Cedar Rapids, IA);
A seven-group coalition including Don’t Waste Michigan, Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination (MI), Public Citizen (TX and DC), San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (CA), Nuclear Energy Information Service (IL), Citizens’ Environmental Coalition (NY), and Nuclear Issues Study Group (NM) (Terry Lodge, Toledo, OH).
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