This September is hot, too hot – because of the Climate Emergency we are facing. Here are some ways to get involved.
Think globally, act locally
Friday 9/6 and Saturday 9/7. Albuquerque. New Mexico Rising, Climate Disruption Film Festival, UNM Continuing Education Building. More information and RSVP here. Share from Facebook here.
Saturday 9/7, 8:30 am. Albuquerque, Flyering for Climate Strike at the State Fair Parade, 8:30am. We’ll walk along with 350NM EV Car Club and hand out Climate Strike Flyers. If you can help email, camilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org.
Saturday 9/7, 11:30am. Albuquerque Mayor Keller announce Electric Vehicle Plans, Albuquerque Civic Plaza.
Monday 9/16, 4:30 pm. New Mexico for All Rally at Tiguex Park. This is a community event to show President Trump that our diversity is our greatest strength, and we will not stand for divisiveness and hate. We won’t stand for climate destruction. (There are several facebook events for this rally with differing times, but the event will start at 4:30pm).
Wednesday 9/18, 5:00. Albuquerque City Council considers Climate Emergency Resolution, City Council Chambers. Sign in to speak at 4:30, meeting starts at 5:00. More information here.
September 19-22. Gila River Festival, with field trips, activities and speakers, many of them relating to climate change such as … (complete schedule)
- Friday, 9am – Thinking on a mountain presentation, 10:45 – The Future is Now, panel discussion with youth
- Friday, 7pm – Gila River Festival keynote with climate activist and founder of the Climate Disobedience Center Tim DeChristopher.
Friday 9/20, 11am-1pm. Las Cruces Climate Strike, Branigan Corner
Friday 9/20, 11:30. Santa Fe Climate Strike, NM State Capitol building. More details here.
Friday 9/20, 12:30. Albuquerque Climate Strike, starting at Robinson Park. More details here, register here, volunteer here.
Friday 9/20, 6pm – Watch party: MSNBC Presidential Climate Forum 2020 Event Link (details)
Friday 9/20 and Saturday 9/21, Globalquerque!
- Saturday, 10:30am-4:30pm – Community Climate Banner Painting with artist, Lynnette Haouzous (details)
- Saturday, 11am-12pm – Frack Off Chaco Coalition Presentation: Global to Local
- Saturday, 1:30-3:30 – Global Youth Climate Movement, panel (details)
Week starting 9/21. Northern New Mexico Youth Empowerment (YUCCA) Seven Days of Disruption. More details here.
Sunday 9/22, 7am-5pm. Fracking Reality Tour in the Greater Chaco Area, Counselor NM (details) – SOLD OUT
Monday 9/23, 5-7pm. Climate Crisis Community bike ride (details)
Tuesday9/24, 6pm-8pm. Break Up with Your Bank: Fossil Fuel Divestment and Green Investment Seminar (details)
Friday 9/27. Youth Convergence at the Roundhouse (Time TBD) at the NM State Capitol
Wednesday October 2, 8:30am-12:30pm. Climate XChange ‘19 Carbon Solutions Summit, Santa Fe. Climate XChange is hosting this invitation-only, free-of-charge event as an opportunity to cross-pollinate on the political strengths of market-based emissions reduction policy, and the pivotal role it can play in a just and equitable energy transition about Climate XChange | RSVP.
Stay tuned
Coming September through December, Species in Peril Along the Rio Grande (516 Arts in Albuquerque)
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