Sandoval County Oil & Gas Ordinance Actions You Can Take Click here for talking points related to the Sandoval County Oil and Gas ordinance.

Contact your County Commissioner

Lobbying is a powerful tool that can help you state your position and concerns about oil and gas drilling. Call, email or meet with your Commissioner. Commissioners need to hear from their constituents about why the county needs a good and comprehensive ordinance. Access our citizen’s lobbyist guide here for tips on how to talk to your commissioner.

Sandoval County Commissioners

District 1: James Holden-Rhodes or 505-235-5628
District 2: Jay Block or 505-252-6218
District 3: Don Chapman or 505-414-6247
District 4: David Heil or 505-252-6085
District 5: Kenneth Eichwald or 505-252-7412

Also, send a copy of your email to the Planning and Zoning Commissioner(s) sponsored by your County. The Commissioner Group Email is: P&

Call Sandoval County’s Bureau of Elections at 505-867-7577 to find out the district you live in and who represents you.

Attend public meetings

County Commission meeting dates and agendas can be found here:

Sign up for public comment starts at 5:30 pm, but we encourage you to arrive at 5 pm to ensure you can sign up!

We must demonstrate to the commission that there is broad public support for a comprehensive ordinance that ensures aquifer protection, public health safeguards, and integrates tribal consultation.

Time: 6pm
Location: Commission Chambers, Sandoval County Administration Building 3rd. floor, 1500 Idalia Road, Bernalillo, 87004

Comment at public meetings

Make your voice heard. Public comments are a great way to express issues of concern that can influence ultimate outcomes. Access our guide here for tips on how to testify and give public comment.

Email public comments

Sandoval County now has a webpage dedicated to the oil and gas ordinance process. To keep apprised of meetings and issues related to the Sandoval Oil and Gas ordinance process, visit the “Oil, Gas, and Water Matter/ Proposed Ordinance” site:  

Since not all oil and gas meetings will have public comment, make your voice heard and register your concerns with the county by submitting comments to this email: 

Write a letter to the editor

LTEs are an important way for the public, policymakers, and the press to get a better-informed understanding of an issue and how the public views it. They are an excellent media tactic for “rapid-response” situations where we need to pressure a decision-maker and demonstrate public support or opposition to an issue. Access our toolkit for tips on writing a letter to the editor.

Where to submit your letters to the editor:

Rio Rancho Observer
250 word limit

Albuquerque Journal
Letters –
Submit –
350 word limit

The Sandoval Signpost
Letters –
Submit –
400 word limit

Notify the press

Press scrutiny can help to apply pressure on decision makers from rubber-stamping approval of the ordinance. Send a note to the following media outlets and tell them you’re a county resident and you’re really concerned about what your county is doing and that it is willing to allow drilling behind your back.

Sign a petition


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Sandoval County Oil & Gas Ordinance Actions You Can Take