Please join us for New Mexico Land-Water-Wildlife Day at the Roundhouse!
Meet with representatives from dozens of conservation organizations. Attend a lobby training session to learn how you can talk with legislators and be a crucial part of the law-making process to protect our natural heritage. Join us at the Rotunda for a press conference with legislators who work to protect our public lands, water resources and wildlife.
This is an opportunity for everyone who cares about the environment to demonstrate to elected officials that public lands, rivers and wetlands, and wildlife conservation have overwhelming public support.
What: Sierra Club Land-Water-Wildlife Day at the Roundhouse
Where: Roundhouse (State Capitol) in Santa Fe
When: Thursday, Feb. 11:
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.: Visit displays on the main floor East Lobby & West Lobby; meet and learn about environmental protection in New Mexico; Visit with legislators and attend committee hearings
10:30 a.m.: Lobby training. Meet at the podium in the Rotunda
12:00: Press conference in the Rotunda with legislators who are conservation champions — Sen. Howie Morales, Sen. Peter Wirth, Sen. William Soules, Rep. Brian Egolf and others have been invited — and meet some of our state wildlife from The Wildlife Center
2 p.m.: Lobby training. Meet at the podium in the Rotunda
Participating groups: Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, Defenders of Wildlife, Animal Protection Voters of New Mexico, Audubon, Project Coyote, Mexicanwolves.org, Wildlife Conservation Advocacy Southwest, Southwest Environmental Center, Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment, Food and Water Watch, Sierra Club Northern New Mexico Group, Trap-Free New Mexico, Gila Conservation Coalition, Gila Resources Information Project, People for Native Ecosystems, Rio Grande Restoration, Conservation Voters New Mexico, Environment New Mexico, New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, New Mexico Wildlife Federation.
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