photo of wolf

Mary Katherine Ray
Wildlife chair, Rio Grande Chapter

Please join fellow wolf supporters at the “More Wolves, Less Politics” rally to urge the US Fish and Wildlife Service to stop dithering and release more wolves to the wild. On April 28, it will have been 40 years since the Mexican gray wolf was first listed under the Endangered Species Act and yet today our “Lobo” remains the most endangered wolf in the world with only 97 in the wild at the last official count.

What:  “More Wolves, Less Politics” rally on the 40th anniversary of the Lobo’s endangered  species listing.
When: Thursday,  April 28 at 12 noon
Where: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, Southwest Regional Office, 500 Gold Avenue SW, Downtown Albuquerque

Mexican wolves are  awaiting release to not only boost wild wolf numbers but also their desperately needed genetic diversity.  They have waited long enough!  Wear your wolf shirts, bring a sign, help spread the word! Read more at our coalition website,

For wild wolves,
Mary Katherine Ray
Wildlife chair, Rio Grande Chapter (575)772-5655

Rally: More Wolves, Less Politics