Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Alex Renirie, Sierra Club
Organizing Representative, Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign

On April 20th, the Bureau of Land Management will hold its next federal fossil fuel lease sale in Santa Fe at the Courtyard Marriott. On the heels of growing opposition to lease sales across the country where groups are demanding the federal government act to keep fossil fuels in the ground, this is our moment to show that New Mexicans demand an end to the sale of public lands for fracking, mining and drilling!

Some facts:

  • Our public land is being given away for oil and gas extraction for as little as $2 an acre.
  • New Mexicans already live surrounded by toxic methane pollution.
  • The Santa Fe National Forest and Chaco Canyon are under threat for new drilling.

New drilling isn’t needed.

Please join us for a public rally outside of the Santa Fe Courtyard Marriott on April 20 to show those buying and selling our lands that you are paying attention to their destructive acts.

Here are the event details:

WHAT: Rally against federal fossil fuel lease sales
WHEN: April 20, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Courtyard Marriott (3347 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507) [map]


President Obama will sign the Paris climate deal just days after this sale happens. We are calling on this administration to use all the tools at its disposal to curb climate change. This includes an end to federal oil and gas leasing and immediate EPA safeguards on all sources of methane pollution. New Mexicans are showing the nation that we don’t support more fracking in sacred Chaco Canyon, Santa Fe National Forest, Rio Rancho, or anywhere. We want more jobs in New Mexico — but not ones at the expense of land or lives.

Stand with us to demand an end to federal fossil fuel leasing and the immediate establishment safeguards on fracking pollution on Wednesday, April 20. If you’d like to volunteer to help make this event a success, join the team and tell us when you RSVP!

Fracking endangers New Mexico communities and our global climate. Join the movement to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

The featured image from Common Dreams website article entitled The Time Has Come to Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground.

Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground