Rally for Public Lands – Wednesday, June 6

The industry loaded Dept. of Interior (DOI) Royalty Policy Committee is meeting in Albuquerque on Wednesday, June 6th. This will be an important opportunity to highlight the impacts of BLM’s leasing of public lands and the impacts on our communities and chaco, but also to raise this national issue of private companies raking in profits on our public lands.

We wondered if you’d join us for the event at the Sheraton Airport Hotel at 2910 Yale Ave. SE

8:30am – Rally & Coffee – (industry can lease lands for cheaper than a cup of coffee)

9:00am – Press conference with speakers on the local and national impacts of lease sales and rock bottom royalties

9:15am – Speak out from the crowd

9:50am – Walk into the formal public comment period silently together (Please wear white to symbolize SOS on this issue)

10:00am – There’s only half an hour of formal public comment so we’ve asked select speakers to comment.

10:30am – Walk silently out together (this is when public comment ends)

Here’s a Washington Post article from February that talks about the committee.  Here’s another article by Laura Paskus published today in the NM Political Report – Federal royalty committee meeting comes to Abq, while top state officials head to D.C. for oil and gas hearings.

Meeting agenda
Talking points

RSVP to Camilla at camilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org

Rally for Public Lands – Wednesday, June 6