Pandemic Outings

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all Sierra Club outings and in-person events have been cancelled through June 2021. While we’re all disappointed, we understand that everyone’s health and safety are most important. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get out and go for a hike! Our do-it-yourself outings are designed with you in mind and offer a range of difficulties and outdoor experiences. We hope you’ll climb the mountains and receive their good tidings during this challenging time.

So far, most of our do-it-yourself hikes are in the Albuquerque area. If you would like to submit some in other parts, of the state, please contact Terrence Owen. You can find other hikes through the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance.

1. 8/20/2020 – John A. Milne & Gutierrez Canyon Open Space
2. 9/1/2020 – Tree Spring Trail
3. 9/16/2020 – Las Conchas Trail
4. 9/30/2020 – North Crest Trail
5. 10/15/2020 – Suphur Canyon – Faulty – Armijo Trail Loop
6. 10/28/2020 – Petroglyphs National Monument
7. 11/9/2020 – 10K Trail North
8. 11/23/2020 – Bosque del Apache
9. 12/10/2020 – Angel Peak Scenic Area
10. 12/23/2020 – San Lorenzo Canyon
11. 1/6/2021 – Martineztown History & Culture 
12. 1/20/2021 – La Llorona River Trail
13. 3/4/2021 – Taos West Rim
14. 3/31/2021 – Sierra Ladrones

Our limited outdoor recreation facilities have been inundated with hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts, leaving behind trash, smoldering campfires and dog poop. Please take a few moments to review general outdoor ethics. On August 20, the Albuquerque Journal Go! section had a great article. In case you can’t access it, it discusses the principles of the Leave No Trace website:

Also, remember that you still are required to maintain social distance, limit the size of your group, and wear masks (even on the trail).

We know you’ve been doing your best to stay positive as we remain safe and healthy during the C-19 pandemic. Perhaps you’ve been out for a few local hikes with family or friends, or even soloing to maintain the appropriate nature levels in your brain and bloodstream. But, it might be time for some inspiration, a good story or two, and the chance to learn something new. Our outings leader Terrence Owen rounded up a list of outdoor related podcasts that might fill-the-bill and be just the shot in the arm that you need right now.

If you want to contribute an outing to our collection, please contact Terrence Owen, our Outings Chair.

Pandemic Outings