Volunteers Needed to Help a Kid Hug A Tree

The Pajarito Group will host an activity at PEEC* on Saturday, August 4th, for children K-6. The purpose is to give kids an idea of what life is like for a tree, and why a tree’s life is important.  The hope is that once they establish a relationship with a tree, they will gain a lifelong respect for mighty and amazing, world-creating trees.

We need volunteers in three areas:

  1. For artsy types – Prior to the event, create artistic project-resources for the activities.
  2. For scientific types – Prior to the event, create tree-life and tree-identification information/cards/handouts for the activities at PEEC.
  3. For mentor-volunteers – At the event mentors will assist children with the activities that include learning about trees, going out and finding the special tree, then doing a creative project that summarizes the important things they learned about the tree.

The event is tentatively scheduled to last for two hours.

For questions, please contact Jody Benson by email, by phone (505) 662-4782, or by filling out the form below.

*Because PEEC hosts the Pajarito Group’s presentations, we are responsible for offering our own educational event in exchange.  This Adopt a Tree event is our quarterly in-kind program.

P.S. – While you’re here—if you’re a resident of Los Alamos County—please sign the LAHS EcoClub’s petition to put a fee on single-use plastic shopping bags.

Yes, I’d love to help!

Volunteers Needed to Help a Kid Hug A Tree