Outings Leader Training – Spring 2018

New Sierra Club outings leaders are required to complete basic leader training. We will be offering two training opportunities; one in April and one in May. Both will be held at our Albuquerque office. You only need to attend one. If you are interested, please fill out the registration form at the bottom of the page.

Sunday, April 15th from 1PM-5PM – full
Saturday, May 12th from 9AM-1PM

This training opportunity will provide outing leaders with the tools and information they need to lead a safe, inspiring and fun outing. Attendees will receive a resource packet that includes the Outings Leader Handbook and update, a Trailhead Talk laminated card, an Emergency Response laminated card and a Leave No Trace laminated card.

After you complete the training you will need to be certified in basic first aid/CPR if you are not already certified.  We will be offering the basic America Red Cross/CPR certification course at a very discounted rate. The certification is good for two years. For further information, please contact Fred Houdek at 630-809-4234 or fjhoudek@gmail.com.


As a Sierra Club Outings leader, you will join others in exploring wild lands, often exploring different cultures, conservation issues, and even perceptions. You could be backpacking, kayaking, bicycling, or doing service work—it’s up to you to choose, because you ultimately design and lead your very own trip.

Think you’d like to be a leader? Great! Here are some important items to consider.

What are my responsibilities as a Sierra Club Outings leader?

  • Create and organize an outing
  • Submit details, meeting location and other information to the chapter for publication
  • Secure permits as needed
  • Screen participants to ensure their skills, interests, and abilities are a good fit for your trip
  • Communicate via phone and/or email to answer questions and inform last minute changes
  • Lead your trip!
  • A follow-up trip report is always welcome

Steps to becoming a Sierra Club Outings leader:

  • Be a current Sierra Club member and at least 18 years old
  • Complete the Sierra Club Outings Leader Application
  • Complete a basic Sierra Club Outing Leader Trainings (OLT 101)
  • Complete first aid and CPR classes

More details



If you have additional questions, feel free to contact Terry Owen at 505-301-4349 or teowen@q.com.

Outings Leader Training – Spring 2018