Nob Hill Holiday Stroll

Thursday, December 3rd, 6 pm

The nations of the world will meet in Paris to find common action on protecting our planet and its climate for future generations. Join us on at the Nob Hill Holiday Stroll. We’ll spread the message of climate hope, teaching our friends and neighbor about how we can give the gift of clean and renewable energy to our children and all future generations.

Where: Gather at Triangle Park at the corner of Monte Vista and Central.  We’ll stroll up Central to Carlisle and back carrying lanterns and singing Clean Climate Carols.

Contact:, 505.715.8388

Wear:  Warm clothes in bright holiday colors, ABQ sol scarves, bright yellow broadcloth


Sponsors: Sierra Club,, Environment NM, Positive Energy Solar, and Osceola Energy

Download our Clean Climate Carols (Word document) or enjoy our music now!

Photo by the City of Albuquerque.

Nob Hill Holiday Stroll for Climate Hope – December 3