Stop growth of staggering $8 billion oil and gas cleanup gap

Advocates across New Mexico petitioned the Oil Conservation Commission to modernize woefully outdated laws governing oil and gas cleanup, financial assurance and operator transfers ...
Member Appreciation Picnic – June 15

Thank you, passionate Sierra Club members, for your dedication and hard work. Time to do something fun ...
In the news! EPA rule forces San Juan to clean up its ash

Santa Fe New Mexican article: EPA rule forces San Juan to clean up its ash waste ...
2024 primary – how did Sierra Club’s endorsed candidates do?

Twenty-five of our 29 endorsed candidates won! Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to those who fought the good fight, but fell short. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help our candidates win! ...
Inflation Reduction Act Delivers $156M in Solar for All Funds for New Mexico

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that New Mexico was awarded $156,120,000 in funding through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund’s Solar For All program ...

The New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board voted 4-1 to reject a challenge to newly enacted clean car standards. The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board also voted 5-0 to reject the challenge. These standards will bring more electric vehicles to the state and directly benefit New Mexicans ...
Public opposition to pesticide spraying in Rio Arriba

The Rio Grande Chapter's recent “Aerial Pesticide Alert” resulted in over 250 personalized comments from members, and thousands from residents and organizations, opposing the USDA Animal and Plant Inspection Service’s (APHIS) proposal to spray close to 40 square miles of public lands in the Cebolla area of Rio Arriba County between April and June. These objections resulted in SLO and BLM withdrawing their acres from the program and the 2023 project was stopped. This year, a similar project is being ...
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