Thousands expected at Global Climate Strike in Albuquerque and throughout the state
A youth-led walk-out from over 20 Albuquerque Schools will strike against a status quo of complacency, inaction and injustice on climate change, and join global voices to call for a livable future.
Albuquerque, NM — On Friday, Sept 20th, Albuquerque’s youth urge adults to participate with them side-by-side as they walk out of their classrooms to strike for their future and to call for the urgent implementation of climate action plans at every level of government. Thousands of students and adults are expected at the strike as part of a global demonstration of power, solidarity and mobilization to address the climate crisis head on. The youth have concluded the time for reticence has passed and it’s time to take risks, speak up and fight hard with the power of their collective voice.
“Young people know we are handing them a dire future that they have not chosen. The climate crisis affects everyone on our planet and, at the very least, we owe them our support by joining them in the streets. Climate solutions are available, we just need the political will to act.”
Delese Dellios with 350 New Mexico.
Youth Calls to Action:
- US Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich to sign on to the Green New Deal
- Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and the NM State Legislature:
- NM to create a Just Transition fund from oil & gas revenues to build a sustainable carbon neutral economy for all New Mexicans
- 100% renewable energy by 2030
- Moratorium on fracking
- Pass community solar legislation in 2020
A Climate Action Fair will include youth speakers, Mayor Tim Keller, youth performances and a multitude of interactive activities for kids and adults: Interactive Conservation Van, youth circus performers, art, voter-registration, climate Jenga, composting, climate actions and more.
WHO: Albuquerque Youth speakers (elementary to college students), Samuel Sage (Diné community leader), youth interfaith leaders, youth poets (D’nessa McDaniels and Mercedes Holtry) and performances by DJ Gravity, Freddy Flopez and Wake Self, Mayor Tim Keller, Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez and Albuquerque’s Poet Laureates; Michelle Otero, Jessica Helen Lopez and Manuel Gonzalez.
WHAT: Global Climate Strike, Climate Action Fair and March to US Senate Offices
WHEN: Friday Sept 20
12:30-5pm, Climate Action Fair
1-2:30pm, Speakers
2:30-3:30pm, March to US Senators Heinrich & Udall offices at 400 Gold Avenue SW
WHERE: Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW
STATEWIDE: Additional Strikes will Take Place in Santa Fe, Farmington, Las Cruces and Silver City.
More information – Albuquerque at www.climatestrikeabq.com
Live streaming – www.facebook.com/350NM/
Sponsored by: 350New Mexico, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, Global Warming Emergency, Moms Clean Air Force, Citizens Climate Lobby Albuquerque Chapter, Indivisible Nob Hill, March For Science, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, NM Solar Energy Association, Positive Energy Solar, Affordable Solar, La Montanita Coop, Blue Moon Marketplace, Little Green Bucket, Organizing For Action Nob Hill, Pueblo Action Alliance, Generation Justice, Burque Revolt, Rio Grande Community Farm, Frack off Greater Chaco, Southwest Native Cultures, Progressive Democrats of America, Central New Mexico, Wild Friends, WasteLess Life NM, Climate Change Leadership Institute, Jason Marks Law, Curtis & Company Law firm, Physicians For Social Responsibility, Center For Action and Contemplation, and generous donations by individuals.
Resolutions in support of the Youth Strike: Albuquerque Teachers Federation, Albuquerque Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council
Anni Hanna, 350NM Outreach Coordinator anni.hanna@gmail.com, 505-879-3806
Delese Dellios, 350NM Campaign Coordinator Delese@350newmexico.org, 505-688-5343
Lilith Clark, NM Youth Climate Strike lilithsec@gmail.com, 505-400-0574
Jonathon Alonzo, Fight for Our Lives, jonathon.r.alonzo@gmail.com, 505-544-1685
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