2020 NM Legislature Priority Bills

Each year, Sierra Club staff and volunteer leaders work with the ExComm and Conservation Committees to analyze and determine Club positions on bills during the NM legislative session. From among those on which we take a position, a number rise to the top as priority bills that deserve special attention and that we encourage our members to bring to the attention of their legislators.

Below is the Sierra Club list of priority bills for the current session with our position and each bill’s status as of the date provided. This list is updated periodically. It is not a complete list of all the bills we take a position on or lobby. For a complete text and the daily status on bills, go to the Legislature page.

For some of the bills, we have one-page summaries with talking points.

Priority Bills help

Use the scrollbar across the bottom of the Priority Bills list to see more information. Clicking on the column header allows the list to be sorted based on the values within that column.


  • Status – current stage/location of the legislation
  • Sponsors – House and/or Senate members who are the sponsors of the bill
  • Stance – Rio Grande Chapter position on the bill
  • Priority – a high priority means Rio Grande Chapter staff and volunteers are actively lobbying the bill (either for or against)

2020 Legislative Tracker