Nob Hill Holiday Stroll

This holiday season, we must unite around clean and renewable energy more than ever.

Join us for the second year at the Nob Hill Holiday Stroll. We’ll spread the message of climate hope, showing our friends and neighbors that we can give the gift of clean and renewable energy to our children and all future generations.

We’ll gather at Triangle Park and stroll up Central to Carlisle and back singing “Clean Climate carols.”

Please join and share the event on Facebook

What: Holiday Stroll for Climate Hope and Clean Energy

Where: Gather at Triangle Park at the corner of Monte Vista and Central. (2901 Central, NE, 87106)

When: 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1

What to bring or wear: Warm clothes, bright holiday colors, flashlights and headlamps.

Contact:, 505.715.8388

Sponsors: Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, 350NM, Environment New Mexico, New Mexico Solar Energy Association, Organizing for Action, New Mexico Solar Energy Association, Citizen’s Climate Lobby Albuquerque Chapter, Positive Energy Solar,

Download our Clean Climate Carols (Word document) or enjoy our music now!

Holiday Stroll for Climate Hope and Clean and Renewable Energy