Since 2015, the Navajo Nation Chapters of Counselor, Nageezi, Ojo Encino and Huerfano, have experienced increasing levels of health and safety impacts from the development of over 370 oil wells on thousands of acres of lands, leased by the Farmington Field Office of Bureau of Land Management (BLM-FFO), and in close proximity to chapter facilities, schools and homes. Currently, the BLM-FFO is conducting an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) on hydraulic fracturing impacts in the Mancos Shale/Gallup formation that is scheduled to be completed in 2018.
Counselor Chapter has taken steps to hold meetings for members and the public to both inform people about the potential risk of exposure to oil and gas operations as well as the health impacts from contaminated air and water to both humans and livestock.
The Navajo Nation Health Impact Report Summary on Oil & Gas Well Exposure is an environmental epidemiological report of how oil and gas development impacts the health of those living in the neighborhood. The Rio Grande Chapter works on these issues. If you want to get involved, please contact Miya King-Flaherty, our Rio Grande Chapter Public Lands Fellow, (505) 243-7767,