Global Warming Express kids need your support

Can you imagine the future our children and grandchildren are facing? They are actively imagining it. 

Is it one of hope? Surprisingly, it is.
And they are looking to you and me to help them.

How can you help? It’s so simple. Share your hope with them through a donation to the Global Warming Express. The GWE is Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter’s climate-action program with elementary students throughout New Mexico.

In 2019, Global Warming Express students influenced legislation that will have lasting impact on the climate and our communities. They appealed to the New Mexico legislature to take climate action, and it worked! In Santa Fe, they have spearheaded a ban on single-use plastic bags and a fee on paper bags. In Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, their activism brought about the elimination of plastic straws and plastic bags. Right now, they’re working on an initiative to stop unnecessary vehicle idling. How much more can they do? It’s up to you.

Your gift of $50, $100 or more will support the work being done by mentors in the schools this academic year, purchase supplies and provide students with the tools they need to take their message to decision makers in their towns, counties and our state.

Kids are hopeful when they feel that grownups support them. Tell them through your gift today. Just click here.

Global Warming Express kids need your support