The Gila Conservation Coalition hosts the 15th annual Gila River Festival September 19-22, 2019 in Silver City, New Mexico and along the Gila River. Join us to explore the future of the Gila River in relation to the changing climate, as well as our responsibility to act as responsible earth stewards, with keynote speaker climate activist Tim DeChristopher and many renowned presenters.
The four-day festival will feature dynamic presentations and hands-on activities designed to foster a deeper intimacy with the Gila River, New Mexico’s last wild river and named America’s #1 Most Endangered River of 2019 by the organization American Rivers. Festival events include river outings, expert-led hikes and field trips, presentations, music, community art projects, and more.
Climate activist Tim DeChristopher will give the Gila River Festival keynote presentation, addressing our moral and ethical responsibility to safeguard the climate for fellow species and future human generations. DeChristopher disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by posing as Bidder 70 and outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah. For his act of civil disobedience, DeChristopher was sentenced to two years in federal prison. Held for a total of 21 months, his imprisonment earned him an international media presence as an activist and political prisoner of the United States government. He has used this as a platform to spread the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action in order to create a just and healthy world. DeChristopher used his prosecution as an opportunity to organize the climate justice organization Peaceful Uprising in Salt Lake City, and most recently founded the Climate Disobedience Center.
Don’t miss the 15th Annual Gila River Festival’s Gila River Extravaganza, Saturday, September 21, 4pm – 10 pm in Silver City’s Gough Park featuring music by Caliente and Auld Lang Syne, Fort Sill Apache Fire Dancers, San Carlos Apache Singers, photo booths, food vendors, chill zone, merch, art, games and more!
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Gila Conservation Coalition
Featured image artwork by Elli Sorensen