photo of wolf

by Mary Katherine Ray
Rio Grande Chapter Wildlife Chair
(575) 772-5655

The Game Commission made some terrible decisions about carnivores and wolves last year, but your presence and protests showed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that we support them. This federal agency has promised to uphold the Endangered Species Act and proceed with wolf reintroduction in New Mexico regardless of state Game Commission attempts at obstruction.

This time, commissioners will be issuing a final vote on the Ladder Ranch’s permit to import and hold Mexican wolves awaiting release into the wild. Releases of more wolves is urgently needed to bolster the wild population.

At its last meeting, the commission also failed to adopt the State Wildlife Action Plan, turning down millions of dollars of federal grant money to monitor species of greatest conservation need, including

Mexican wolves and other important non-game species that are the indicators for the health of our ecosystems. Commissioners won’t be able to revisit that vote at this meeting, but in addition to the small placards, we’ll hold up about wolves during the meeting, we’ll also have some to remind them to “Support the State Wildlife Action Plan.”

This Game Commission needs reminding that ALL wildlife is important to nature, not just the few species sought by hunters.

Please attend the next New Mexico Game Commission meeting [agenda].

January 14, 2016, beginning at 9:00 a.m
Santa Fe Community College Board Room
6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe

Thank you for standing for wolves and wildlife!


Game Commission agenda includes Ladder Ranch wolves