For Give Back Tuesday, give the gift of your time

The upcoming week’s holidays include #OptOutside Day, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday.

You can participate by volunteering your time and becoming part of a long and important Sierra Club legacy of grassroots activism. The Rio Grande Chapter is volunteer-led, and that corps of volunteers is at the heart of our effectiveness.

Lend your time and skills to our team. Help protect our climate, water, air, land and wildlife right here in New Mexico and West Texas with your fellow Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter supporters. Skills needed include:

— Event organization
— Communications and engaging the public
— Computer and database management
— Business and finance
— Fund development
— Volunteer training and development
— Graphic arts and photography
— Expertise in environmental policy and law, water, energy, air, lands and wildlife
— Outdoor adventure leadership
— Mentor for our Global Warming Express after-school kids climate and activism program
— And, last but not least, our all-important everyday data entry and phone-calling!

Please join us. We look forward to meeting you. Just click here.

Thank you, and happy Giving Tuesday!

For Give Back Tuesday, give the gift of your time