First Friday Arts – April 2018

On alternate months, the Central NM Group holds Root Beer & Sierra OR First Friday Arts. April is a First Friday Arts gathering, featuring Selected Black & White Photographs by Peter Kelling.

According to the artist, “Photography for me is a meditative practice, an opportunity to quietly connect and feel a resonance with a view or an object. I release the shutter. Sometime I’m successful, sometimes lucky and sometimes there appear moods or sensibilities that I didn’t notice with my mind’s eye. I work primarily in black and white. I like how it reduces an image to the essentials of texture, tone, shape and contrast.”

April’s First Friday opening event will be held from 6-8 on April 6 at the Albuquerque office (2215 Lead Ave SE). 30% of sales go to the Sierra Club.  Please call Heather Kline (505-577-2798) with any questions.

First Friday Arts – April 2018