Sign-up is by contact with leader (phone, or email if shown).  To go you’ll need to sign a waiver that leader will provide.  Dogs only allowed as noted.
Trips are normally free (pay when carpooling) and open to non-members, although we do like it if you join the Club to increase our local and national clout.

Please RSVP the leader unless otherwise stated. Updates on some outings may be available on the Santa Fe Outings Meetup page.

October outings

Sunday, October 1: Borego Trail. Easy/moderate starting on the Borego trail, then off-trail to a Santa Fe Baldy viewpoint, 5 miles, 1,000 feet elevation gain.
Leader: Alan Shapiro,, 505-424-9242
Location: Santa Fe area

Thursday, October 5: Alpine meadows. (Thursday recurring hike) Moderate. Ascent to the Alpine Meadows above the Santa Fe Ski Basin 2,000 vertical feet 5 miles.
Leader: Mark Dunham,, 505-795-0199
Location: Santa Fe area

Friday, October 6-Monday, October 9: Pecos backpacking.  Strenuous 4-day backpack in Pecos Wilderness About 32 miles and a total of 5,000 feet of elevation gain.
Leader: Larry Hughes,
Location: northern NM 

Saturday, October 7: Bosque Walk. 8am-10am, leisurely hike, Excursiones a la Naturaleza de Nuevo México
Leader: Cecilia Chávez Beltrán,
Location: Albuquerque

Saturday, October 7: Chama headwaters. Advanced/moderate. 8-12 miles, no more than 2,500 feet elevation gain.
Leader: Mark Dunham, or 505-795-0199
Location: northern NM 

Sunday, October 8: Frijoles Rim/Canyon Loop. Strenuous 13.6 miles and 1,500-foot gain; a scenic tour of Frijoles Canyon in Bandelier National Monument at a time when, we might see some beautiful fall colors in addition to the exquisite landscape of Frijoles Canyon. Start at the Visitor Center, Frijoles Rim Trail to the Upper Crossing, descend Frijoles Canyon, and return.
Leader: Aku, 505-577-2594
Location: Los Alamos area

Thursday, October 12: Rio Quemado. Trail clearing to Quemado Falls up to 10 miles and 1500 feet elevation gain. Leader: Mark Dunham, or 505-795-0199
Location: northern NM

Saturday, October 14: SF River cleanup. 10am – 12 noon; meet at Closson St. footbridge, bring work gloves; 12:30 picnic, Alto park. In conjunction with Santa Fe Watershed Association ‘Hunt for the Red Rocktober’
Leader: John Buchser, 820-0201,
Location: Santa Fe

Saturday, October 14: Lower Frijoles Falls.

Sunday, October 15: Hermit Peak. Moderate, 8 miles, 2,750 feet elevation gain.
Leader: Alan Shapiro,, 505-424-9242
Location: between Santa Fe and Las Vegas

Thursday, October 19:  Trail clearing to Quemado Falls up to 10 miles and 1500 feet elevation gain.  Now a SFNF-led outing (non-Sierra), contact SFNF.

Saturday, October 21: Alpine Meadows. Cancelled.

Saturday, October 28: Santa Fe Baldy. 6:30 a.m. Strenuous hike to Santa Fe Baldy.  About 14 miles and 3600 ft. of elevation gain.  Early start.  Two or three dogs OK.
Leader: Larry Hughes, (505) 983-8296
Location: Santa Fe

November Outings

Saturday, November 4: Easy hike. Out to the Eagle Traps at Burnt Mesa west of Los Alamos, 4.5 miles
Leader: Alan Shapiro,, 505-424-9242
Location: Los Alamos

Saturday, November 4: Gold Hill hike. Strenuous, 10 miles and 3,400 ft. of elevation gain. Early start. Two or three dogs OK.
Leader: Larry Hughes,
Location: Taos area

Saturday, November 4: 3 Gun Springs Trail hike. Come see a healthy shrub/grassland at the southern end of the Sandias and investigate a spring. Does it have water? We will find out. Hikers should be in good shape. Families and dogs welcome.  Dogs must be on a leash when crossing Albuquerque Open Space. Bring water – humans require 24 ounces, my dog, 65 pounds requires 32 ounces.  Bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, windbreaker. The trail begins at 3 Gun Spring trail, hike 4 miles round trip, elevation gain 900 feet, 2 to 3 hours. To get there – Go I40 east; take exit 170 Carnuel; go east on Highway 333 for 1.8 miles; turn north at the Monticello sign and then head east; then follow trail signs. Because of limited parking, I suggest car pooling and meeting at Smiths at Tramway and Central, southwest corner, at 8:10 AM.  Please contact leader for car pooling.
Leader: Brian Hanson, 505-235-0427 cell
Location: Albuquerque east mountains

December outings

Saturday, December 2: White Rock. Easy hike around White Rock, 6.5 miles to petroglyphs, lava tube, views.
Leader: Alan Shapiro, 505-424-9242
Location: Los Alamos area 

Saturday, December 9: Hike or snowshoe, depending on weather. Visit for details.
Leader: Aku, 505-577-2594
Location: Santa Fe & environs  

Saturday, December 16: Hike or snowshoe, depending on weather. Visit for details.
Leader: Aku, 505-577-2594
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, December 23: Hike or snowshoe, depending on conditions, strenuous.  Visit for details.
Leader: Larry Hughes,
Location: Santa Fe area

Saturday, December 30: mountain walk or snowshoe. Look back on the year and all the great time spent outside. Visit for details.
Leader: Aku, 505-577-2594
Location: Santa Fe area

Fall 2017 Outings