Executive Committee candidate profiles

Candidate profiles for the three 2018 candidates for Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter Executive Committee. Chapter members will elect three positions on the executive committee.

Laurence Gibson

I am a retired professor of music (violinist/symphony conductor) living in El Paso for 49 years now. A Sierra Club member since 1981 and dedicated backpacker, I have served as El Paso Group Chair and Rio Grande Chapter Secretary for 19 years now. I serve out of a feeling of obligation to “preserve and protect” our world. My philosophy is that small contributions from many of us will get the job done. I’m a grass-roots guy who believes the club should be driven from the bottom up as opposed to the top down. Please re-elect me!

Karl Braithwaite

Karl has worked on energy and environment issues all his professional life, starting as an assistant professor in political science at Duke University, followed by 10 years in the United States Senate on the staff of the Environment Subcommittee helping write the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and Superfund.  He spent 21 years at Los Alamos National Laboratory and 10 years at Sandia National Laboratories. He also was Dean of the Muskie School of Public Service in Portland Maine and has taught at a number of universities.

He retired  two years ago and began working with the Sierra Club on energy, climate, and conservation issues.

John Buchser

John Buchser is the water issues chair for the Chapter, and immediate past chapter chair.  He retired in 2016 as computer system architect for the NM Office of the State Engineer.  John initially got involved in the Club in the early 1980’s working for better public lands protections.
He is currently particularly interested in supporting endorsed political candidates, staying abreast of current developments in water (like
funding the strategic water reserve and pursuing a state water plan that actually PLANS), and working on preventing all the nation’s used nuclear fuel cores being dumped in New Mexico without adequate protections.

Executive Committee candidate profiles