Meet the ExComm – David Coss

David Coss came to New Mexico in 1959 from Southern Illinois.  His parents delighted in their new physical and cultural surroundings here and shared this delight with the 5 Coss kids.  Summers were filled with camping and fishing in northern New Mexico and winters included sledding and the fragrance of piñon and juniper smoke in the cold, Santa Fe air.

He received a degree in Wildlife Science at New Mexico State University and a master’s degree in zoology from Southern Illinois University.  David has completed a career in environmental protection and natural resources management for New Mexico while continuing to hunt, fish, camp and hike here.

David was a City Councilor and Mayor of Santa Fe (2006-2014.)  He is proud of Santa Fe’s establishment of the Santa Fe Living Wage ordinance, the Santa Fe Living River programs, the protection of immigrant families in Santa Fe and the City resolution to recognize marriage equality.  Santa Fe’s resolution set off a chain-reaction around New Mexico and led to the NM Supreme Court ruling in 2014 establishing marriage equality for all New Mexicans, years before the US Supreme Court ruling on this issue.
David is married to Carol Rose, has three adult children who live in the Santa Fe area and 3 grandchildren.
Meet the ExComm – David Coss