For Immediate Release: September 24, 2021
Contact: Margaret Wadsworth, mwadsworth@fwwatch.org , 505-750-2980
Senator Heinrich Signals Supports for Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies
State environmental groups urge action during reconciliation negotiations
Senator Martin Heinrich released a letter yesterday to several environmental groups confirming that he supports ending federal subsidies to oil and gas companies.
“You asked for my support for ending fossil fuel subsidies, and you have it,” the senator’s letter reads.
Heinrich’s message came in response to a letter from environmental groups and lawmakers across the state, who have been urging lawmakers to take action on subsidies as part of the upcoming spending packages.
“As the negotiations over the Build Back Better Act intensify over the next few days, it is encouraging to know that Senator Heinrich is ready to fight to end these unconscionable government kickbacks to polluters, said Food & Water Watch Senior Organizer Margaret Wadsworth. “We know we must transition New Mexico’s economy away from fossil fuels, not continue to subsidize an industry that is driving the climate crisis, wasting precious water resources, and polluting our air.”
“We are in a critical moment to address the climate crisis and must build toward a climate-justice-centered framework that puts people, not industry polluters first,” said Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter Organizer Miya King-Flaherty. “Ending federal fossil fuel subsidies is fiscally responsible. We must invest in a clean, renewable energy future, and end handouts to industry polluters. It’s great to see Senator Heinrich support ending fossil fuel subsidies as budget reconciliation talks continue. He is a great environmental champion for New Mexico.”
“Senator Heinrich’s commitment to repeal fossil fuel subsidies sets the standard for climate leadership,” said Friends of the Earth Campaigner, Raena Garcia. “In the face of a climate emergency, we need progressive action to transform our nation’s reliance on fossil fuels and end support for an industry that is destroying New Mexico’s people and places. Thank you Senator Heinrich for answering the call.”
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