Monday, April 22 in Eldorado
10 AM – 2 PM
At the Eldorado Community Center, One Hacienda Loop
The Sierra Club’s Northern Group Climate Change Committee will present an informative and engaging Earth Day program titled “Yes, I can: Make a Difference for Our Planet” from 11:30 AM – 1 PM in the Railroad Building next to the Community Center. The program will explore critical climate change issues from an experiential standpoint, featuring a short presentation, followed by audience involvement.
And please stop by the Northern Group tables to talk and share ideas, pick up information and sign our Climate Change registry. Tables will be located on the adjacent grounds and staffed 10 AM – 2 PM by Sierra Club members.
Whatever your time allows and wherever your imagination leads you – please remember to celebrate Earth Day on Monday!!
Sandrine Gaillard
Chair, Climate Change Committee
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