50th Anniversary of Earth Day Events


This week we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, certainly not in the way we expected, but with all of the creativity and flexibility that we can muster. As we act from home, we are forced to think more deeply about how our global lifestyle impacts our communities and how we can solve those problems while still protecting the people around us from getting sick.


50th Anniversary of Earth Day Events

National feed: Earth Day Live – 4/22, 4/23 & 422

Local events

Tuesday 4/20 – 4PM – UNM College Dems Panel on Mitigation & Adaptation – Climate Change, Policy and Activism in NM – Register

Wednesday 4/22 – Protect Greater Chaco – Live Panel, Video & Q&A, 7:56-8:16AM MT – Register, FB

Wednesday April 22, 10 am – noon – Gila Earth Day 2020 – Zoom link, FB. For more information, visit www.gilaresources.info or contact Doyne Wrealli, GRIP program associate and Gila Earth Day coordinator at earthendoyne@gmail.com or 575-297-9734.

Wednesday 4/22 – Intersection of Climate Change & Coronavirus Panel & Town Hall Webinar, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Zoom link, FB

Thursday 4/23 – Fracking’s False Promise, 5-6:30pm – Zoom link, FB

There are more events to come!

50th Anniversary of Earth Day Events