Outings report – Deception Peak

June 18
Trip leader Dag Ryen

It was more like Veterans Day rather than Father’s Day as four experienced hikers (Nancy, Robert, Larry S. and Dag) set out Sunday for Lake Peak, and for a few precious hours, we escaped the summer heat in City Different.  Pleasant company and a slight breeze made for a relaxing outing.  The trail up Raven’s Ridge was steep as always, but rumors of massive snow banks proved unfounded.  There were easy walk-arounds for the few remaining and rapidly disappearing patches.  Once past the bristlecone pines and above tree line, the forget-me-nots and other alpine flowers were abundant.  Another highlight of the day was running into hiking legend Stephen Markowitz at the Wilderness Gate, still on the trail and still enjoying our great out-of-doors.

Photos by Robert Reifel

Outings report – Deception Peak