We respond: COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has cost many of us economically, physically and emotionally. Below we list a few resources. We are also featuring actions you can take from home to support the environment and democracy, in case your method of coping is to be productive!

Register to vote, check your registration or apply for a mail ballot at nmvote.org. You can use nmvote.org to register or update your voter registration, check what legislative districts you’re in, request a mail-in ballot, view important election dates or request a military or overseas ballot. The state Supreme Court has ruled with Republican lawmakers that voters must first request a mail-in ballot in order to receive one, rather than allowing all all-mail election in which all eligible voters would be If you have election-related questions or concerns, call the Secretary of State’s office at 505-827-3600 or email sos.elections@state.nm.us.

VOTE411 is a hub for everything you need to know about voting during COVID-19. The League of Women Voters is updating this bilingual resource every day.

The New Mexico Health Department has a site dedicated to your questions about Coronavirus: Go to cv.nmhealth.org. The department hotline to call for Coronavirus questions is (855) 600-3453. For non-health-related COVID-19 questions, call (833) 551-0518.

Navajo Chapter Relief Fund

The Navajo Chapters in the Greater Chaco region are located far from sophisticated medical facilities, government centers and food markets and thus have a high need to organize food and supplies for the most needy of the communities.

Navajo Council Delegate Daniel Tso, long-standing Protect Chaco organizer, and the Torreon Community Alliance have created a GoFundMe campaign to support the local Greater Chaco Navajo chapters of government in their mobilization of resources to mitigate the impact COVID-19 will have on the Diné people. This effort will work with and follow all Navajo Nation Health Command directives and all health protocols. We already have identified the Sandoval County-Torreon Fire Department, Torreon Chapter House and the Ojo Encino Chapter House as initial partners. All food and supplies purchased will be tracked on the GoFundMe website and the Torreon Community Alliance Facebook page.

All donations are tax-deductible. Donate here or mail checks to: PO Box 1054, Cuba, N.M., 87013.

Also consider donating to the relief group providing bulk food deliveries on tribal lands in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona here or go to navajohopisolidarity.org/.

City of Albuquerque Coronavirus resources: www.cabq.gov/family/services/health-social-services

Food is provided for anyone who needs it at these locations:

Alamosa Health & Social Service Center: (505) 836-8800

Los Griegos Health & Social Service Center: (505) 761-4050

John Marshall Health & Social Service Center: (505) 848-1345

East Central Health & Social Service Center: (505) 767-5700

The 2020 Census: This is our once-a-decade opportunity to accurately count everyone living in the U.S. and a critical tool used to distribute billions of federal dollars and ensure political representation for our communities. Complete your Census today in one of three ways.

Online: my2020census.gov

By paper: Mail back the request that you received.

By phone: 1-844-330-2020.

Earth Day Live: Earth Day Live is a three-day livestream that aims to mobilize and engage people of all ages in collective action to protect our communities and Mother Earth.

The livestream is replacing original plans to mobilize around Climate Strikes. The Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter is helping to coordinate online Earth Day Live events April 22-24. Our Chaco panel will be featured on the Earth Day Live national stream. There will also be a Gila Earth Day live event on April 22 from 10 am to noon on Facebook @GilaEarthDay. For more info: www.earthdaylive2020.org.

Mutual Aid: Fight for our Lives students, who are also leading Climate Strike efforts are now working on Albuquerque Mutual Aid ­— www.ffol.org/mutualaid — to protect at-risk community members. You can request a care package or donate.

Positive Links is partnering with La Salita Restaurant to provide plant-based meals to folks in need and ensuring their companion animals have food during this difficult time.

If you recently lost your job or had your hours cut, there is free vegan food available for you! If you are at a high risk of contracting the coronavirus or are unable to leave your home, just email La Salita at kindness@lasalita.com or message them on Facebook. Be sure to tell them if you need animal food as well.

The New Mexico Crisis and Access hotline is 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474)  or nmcrisisline.com. You can also call or text to talk to a peer at 1-855-4NM-7100 (466-7100).

The Sierra Club is mobilizing to focus support in the next stimulus package on frontline workers and people, not corporations. Go to sc.org/peoplesbailout to learn more.

Albuquerque, Santa Fe mayors pause bag bans: Businesses in Albuquerque and Santa Fe will temporarily be allowed to use any type of plastic bag for their customers and the cities will suspend enforcement of plastic-bag bans. Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller was clear this is not a public-health measure, as there is no independent data supporting the myth that reusable bags contribute to disease spread. Instead, it is a measure of solidarity and support for food workers.

You’re not alone! Let’s get through this together. Contact riogrande.chapter@sierraclub.org with questions.

We respond: COVID-19 crisis