About the Central New Mexico Group
The Central New Mexico Group of the Rio Grande Chapter covers the middle part of the state. Our volunteer leaders are active in many areas.
We advocate to protect air, water, wildlife, and land. Our Grassroots Lobbyists make the environmental voice heard loud and clear at the Roundhouse – and on a daily basis to our local elected and government officials.
Our Outings have returned! We follow Covid-safe practices and offer a wide range of experiences. And we are always looking for leaders! Debbie Bryant bryade@gmail.com
The Political Committee has been extremely active the last few years! We endorse candidates and volunteer for them. We believe that strong environmental leaders make the best elected officials. For great examples please read the Sierran on our website.
Our office location is 2215 Lead Ave. SE, Albuquerque 87106, phone (505) 243-7767.
Join us for one of our Executive Committee meetings – we would love to see you! Contact the Chair, Susan Gorman for more info.
Sierra Club and Beer: we gather on the first Friday, every other month, for our speaker series and some time together. The schedule, details and rsvp is on our calendar.
Central New Mexico Executive Committee
The Central Group ExCom meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM via web conference. Contact the Secretary for access - all are invited.
Chair: Susan Gorman, susangorman1945@gmail.com
Vice Chair: Diane Reese, DianeAbqNM@gmail.com
Treasurer: David Ther, grelbik@gmail.com
Secretary: Sherry No-one, etarre@gmail.com
Patrick Burton, patrickburton9@icloud.com (Transportation)
Laurie Zunner, lmzunne@gmail.com (Zero Waste)
Ray Shortridge, rsshortridge@gmail.com
Contact information
Outings: Debbie Bryant, bryade@gmail.com
Military Outdoors Program: Terry Owen, teowen@comcast.net
Political Chair: Richard Barish, richardbarish@gmail.com
Wildlife: open
Sandoval County Oil & Gas: Miya King-Flaherty, miya.king-flaherty@sierraclub.org
Zero Waste: Laurie Zunner, lmzunne@gmail.com
Meet Up Page:Terry Owen, teowen@comcast.net
Bosque Light Photo by John Fowler thought WikiMedia Commons.
Central New Mexico news
SCOTUS Upholds EPA’s Commonsense Efforts to Curb Methane Emissions from Oil & Gas Industry
2024 General Election Endorsements
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