EPA proposes major curbs on oil & gas methane but must strengthen them

EPA proposes major curbs on oil & gas methane but must strengthen them
On November 2, the Environmental Protection Agency released critical new draft rules to reduce methane emissions and other pollution from the oil and gas industry. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is more than 80 times more powerful than carbon ... Read More

Opposed by Texas, border nuke site still gets NRC permit

Opposed by Texas, border nuke site still gets NRC permit
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the WCS/ISP high-level “temporary” storage for used fuel rods from commercial nuclear reactors. These fuel cores remain extremely radioactive for a million years, despite objections from both Texas and New Mexico governors. This site ... Read More

NM dairy agrees to pollution-cleanup plan

NM dairy agrees to pollution-cleanup plan
After two years of negotiations, Del Oro Dairy in Anthony, NM, has agreed to several modifications to its original plan to capture polluted shallow groundwater from beneath its facility.  This revised plan is the culmination of efforts between  the New ... Read More

Protecting sacred places and water of Pecos

Protecting sacred places and water of Pecos
For over 900 miles, the Pecos River stretches from its high-elevation headwaters in the Pecos Wilderness south through Tecolote, Santa Rosa, Roswell, Carlsbad and across the border to Pecos, Texas. It is the life-blood of eastern New Mexico towns, ranches, ... Read More